
Civil Rights Time Line

  • U.S Sepreme Court--- Brown vs Board of ED

    U.S Sepreme Court--- Brown vs Board of ED
    This was a trial was revolved around the desgregation of schools and other things.
  • Bus Boycott in Montgomery

    Bus Boycott in Montgomery
    In Alabama blacks organized a boycott of city busses because of segregating seating. It lasted 381 days.
  • Little Rock

    Little Rock
    A board of Education admitted 9 stuents to the city's White Central High School.
  • The Freedom Rides

    The Freedom Rides
    Core organized the Freedom rides where blacks would get on a bus and would stop at places to see if they were desegragating things, they often were beaten and arrested.
  • President Kennedy Notices that there needs to be Change

    President Kennedy Notices that there needs to be Change
    When King arrived in Birmingham they wre met with police dogs and fire houses which made J.F.K relize there needs to be a Civil Rights Legistation.
  • Civil Rights Bill of 1964

    Civil Rights Bill of 1964
    AFter Kennedy's assassination L.J maneuvered the Civil Rights Act which outlawed segregation in public paces
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Groubs to enfranchis blacks climaxd in 1964 When many counies had a no black vote policy in Mississippi that COFO tried to fix by having a voter-registration drive.
  • Lyndon Johnson Signs Voting Rights Act

    Lyndon Johnson Signs Voting Rights Act
    Lyndon Johnson sighned the Voting Righst ACt so that blacks could vote.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is Asasinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. is Asasinated
    The civil rights begin to lose momentum after the assasination of M.L.K,J.
  • Only 1% of Blacks are in Deep South Schools

    Only 1% of Blacks are in Deep South Schools
    15 Years after the Brown case, Only 1% of Blacks attended deep south public schools.