Plessy v. Ferguson
"separate but equal" This declared that as long as each place was equal, it could be separate. This made people of the African-Americans angry because of the fact that their places were not equal. Normally they are dirty and not taken care of. -
Brown v The Board of Education
Linda Brown's daughter was going to have to go to a colored school 21 blocks away while there was a white one 3 blocks away. She didn't understand why she would have to force her daughter to walk that far, and she surely didn't think it was fair. This made her fight against the school and court for the mixing of schools. The Supreme Court decided that no segregation was allowed. WIN -
Emmett Till
Emmett TillThe lynching of Emmett Till started a huge commoution throughout the southern states. Starting with his mother having an open casket to show the world what two white men did to her fourteen year old son. All he did was say later babe who a girl in a grocery shop, not knowing that it was not something you do in Mississippi. Two men came to his uncles house and kiddnapped him and destroyed him and threw him in a river. They were found not gulity even after telling their story. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks, a NCAA officer and civil rights activist, refused to give up her seat to a white man because she was tired of standing. She was arrested and because of that and just the general annoyance of not being allowed to do what they want, the started a peaceful protest of not riding the buses since 2/3s of the bus riders were African American. This made bus compainies lose so much money. WIN -
Little Rock Nine
This was when the Supreme Court ruled that no segregation was allowed, nine brave teens went to a previous white only school. The governer ordered for Arkansas' National Guard to come in and keep them out. When President Eisenhower heard about this, he demanded that their National Guard left and he sent troops to personally shaffer the nine students around school and to and from home. WIN -
Shut down of schools in Arkansas
All public schools were shut down under the ruling of Governer Faubus. It only lasted one month becasue the court ordered them to reopen. He thought that this would keep the African-Americans from coming to his school but really it just made him look like a horrible person. -
Sit In Movement in NC
This launched a wave of anti-segregation sit-ins across the South and opened a national awareness of the depth of segregation in the nation. This also started the SNCC group formed of students. They all sit at couners and ask to be served. If they are asked to leave, they just sit there and ignore the harassment that is given to them. -
James Lawson
VIDEO He created the nonviolence workshops for young black and white college students to desegregate downtown Nashville. He was a black minister from Ohio who understood Ghandi's nonviolent legancy. As a fearless leader, he wanted to end segregation and make sure that the young black students knew how to stand up for themselves without causing harm to others. -
James Meredith
VIDEO James was excepted into the University of Mississippi initially, but after finding out his race, he was declined. He fought for his right to go to college, winning at a Supreme Court decision. But when he went to sign up, he was blocked out. Riots erupted and JFK had to interved. He became the first black student enrolled at Ole Miss. -
I Had A Dream Speech
VIDEO MLK wrote and spoke this speech in front of thousands of people, of all color who were civil rights supports. At the Lincoln Memorial, this day went down in history for so many reasons. Young Rev. King declared that 100 years later, after the law that slavery was illegal, that blacks were still not free. This is one of the most reconized and important speeches ever spoken. -
Bloody Sunday
VIDEO In Selma, Alabama, 600 marchers assembled with SNCC and SCLC and went to march from Selma to Montgomery. They were stopped short and when they refused to turn back, the police attacked. Roughly 50 people were hospitalized, 50 nonviolent protesters. This came out to be called Bloody Sunday for exactly what it was. -
Voting Rights Act
Aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels. This was to stop the prevention of not letting African Americans to exercise their right to vote under the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 27,000 African-Americans were regestered within three weeks. -
Riots and Violence
For over 4 years, starting in 1963, there was a constance of violence that wouldn't end. People blamed dicrimination and poverty. Near one hundred people were killed. Kerner Commission came about and created a study of causes of the riots. -
Fair Housing Act
This is a federal act in the United States intended to protect the buyer or renter of a dwelling from seller or landlord discrimination. Made sure that equal housing opportunities were given regardless of race, creed, or national origin. It was the start of something big for neighborhoods. -
Assassination Of MLK
He was shot by a sniper on the balcony of his motel. Lots of riots in tons of cities started after that. Sadly, he would have not approved since he believed in peaceful protests.