Civil rights Movment

  • September 24th 1957

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordres U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne to called the littel rock Nine. In to an all white central high school in littel rock Arkansa.Arkansas National Guard and mobs of segregationists gathered to block the door. They where thretend by racial slers and death threats.Sept. 25, 1957 was there first full day of school. They where escorted by troops
  • First sit in's

    <a href='http:// Four black college students, Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, David Richmond and Ezell Blair ame to an all white lunch counter.Woolworth’s in Greensboro, N.C. Refused servies to them they four refused to leave till they were served. Additional collage members joined them in the sit ins and it spread all over to North Carolina then south.
  • Freedom Riders

    Seven whits and seven black left washington DC to the south. The reaon for bording the two buses and doing this was to test the Supreme Court's ruling in Boynton v. Virginia. In the first few days they incounter minor attacks. In the second week the buses where bured and people where hurt right next to the sherifs office.
  • Black Student enrolls at Mississippi University

    veteran James Meredith came to University Mississippi to start classes. Thousands of whites rited. Two people died and hundreds where injured. Many where arested. Kenedy sent 31,000 National Guardsmen to in force the law. People thereatend him but he still graduated in 1963. The first time he tried to enroll he was rejected because of he race.
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    MLK Wrote a long letter to his other calliges and religous leaders. He was put in jail under violating Alabama’s law against mass public demonstrations. Other people wrote leters with him
  • George Wallace stands in door - June 1963

    Alabama's Governor George Wallace kept a campaign pledge to stand in the schoolhouse door to block 2 black students from entering the University of Alabama. Vivian Malone and James Hood are the two students that where blocked. JhonF Kendy sent the national gard to reeive the issue. And George Wallace steped down and let the two in. Wallace said t was against the law and was his duty to protects Albamas law and keep unwanted thigs out of schools.
  • “I Have A Dream” Speech

    MLK one of his most famous speeches. He had a dream to change America and live as one just like everyone else. He wanted to have the same rights as the white. He is the same as everybody back. This speech pushed threw and had alot of black and some shite following him. This put it in a good perspective for civil rights movment.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing. Peopl where up set didnt want the bill to go threw. Presidnt lyndon B Jhonsom passed the law that black have the same and equal rights as we do.
  • Watts Race riot

    rioting broke out in the primarily black neighborhood of Watts in Los Angeles. This was sparked by false rumors of police being brutal during stops and jail visits. A riote borke out because racial tension and anger over poor living conditions was over welming. the riote lasted six days, leaving 34 people dead, more than 1,000 injured and more than 600 buildings destroyed.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    helped win the 1954 landmark desegregation case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. He was fthe irst African-American member of the U.S. Supreme Court. led a civil rights revolution in the 20th century. But he is the least well know out of the civil rights leaders.
  • April 4th 1968 MLK Assassinated

    MLK was shot on the balcony outside his second-story room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, MLk was on his way to a dinner and was supporting sanitation workers' strike. When he was fatally shot in the jaw and it hit his spine fattaly killed him. He was pronouced dead at Memphis hospital he was only 39.
  • Birmingham Church Bombing

    Birmingham Church was a meeting place for civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Ralph David Abernathy and Fred Shutterworth.Tensions became high when Birmingham was allowing blacks to vote. A white man was seen getting out of a white and turquoise Chevrolet and placing a box under the steps of the church,soon after the bomb explodead killing Denise McNair,Addie Mae Collins ,Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley.were killed while they where at sunday school.George Wallace was blamed.