Civil Rights Movements

  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    Supreme court ruling of "separate but equal," making segragation constatutional according to the U.S. government.
  • Formation of the NAACP

    Formation of the NAACP
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was a bi-racial group for civil rights.
  • Brown vs Board of Education in Topeka

    Brown vs Board of Education in Topeka
    Landmark U.S. Supreme Court case where it was declared state laws of segragation in schools unconsitutional.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Protest of segregation in the bus system in Montgomery, Alabama. Events like these happened many times.
  • Formation of SCLC

    Formation of SCLC
    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was a black civil rights organization, with its first president being Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    The first federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States Congress since the Civil Rights Act of 1875.
  • Integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas

    Integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
    Nine black girls known more commonly as "Little Rock Nine" enrolled and entered a prestigous school of 2,000 white students.
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    Series of nonviolent sit-ins to protest segregation in restaurants, and lead to the lift of racial segration in the south.
  • Formation of SNCC

    Formation of SNCC
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was a major civil right organization which focused on pacifism.
  • Boynton v. Virginia

    Boynton v. Virginia
    Supreme Court lifted charges of a black man in a segregated restaurant in Virginia.
  • Malcolm X leads the Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X leads the Nation of Islam
    He was a chosen leader after being converted to Islam and didn't agree with Martin Luther King Jr.'s advocation of nonviolence.
  • First Freedom Ride

    First Freedom Ride
    Civil rights activists rode buses to segregated parts in the South to protest the nonenforcment of Supreme Court rulings against segregation.
  • James Meredith enrolls in Ole Miss

    James Meredith enrolls in Ole Miss
    Black student, James Meredith, is first to integrate with the white college of Ole Miss, resulting in many riots.
  • Birmingham Protests

    Birmingham Protests
    Organized by the SCLC to bring attention to the anti-segragation against
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Ended with the famous speech from Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream."
  • 24th Amendment Passed

    24th Amendment Passed
    Got rid of poll taxes and are unable to deny someone the right to vote if they can't pay.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Attempt to get more black voters.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Landmark civil rights and US labor law in the United States that outlaws ANY kind of discrimination.
  • Malcolm X Assassinated

    Malcolm X Assassinated
    Malcolm X was shot before he was about to deliver a speech about his new organization called the Organization of Afro-American Unity.