
Civil Rights Movements

  • Brown V.s board of education topeka

    Brown V.s board of education topeka
    Ruled that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional
  • Emmit Till lynched

    Emmit Till lynched
    14 year old boy "whistled" at a white woman, four days later he was kidnapped and beaten and killed and body dumped in the Tall. river, mother demanded to display body so the world could see it
  • Montgomery Bus boycott

    Montgomery Bus boycott
    Protest for equal rights, and the fact to not give up your seat for a white people, thousands of blacks walked to work and other places to get equal rights.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    First African American's to desegregate, Central high school in Arkansas there were 9 male and females, that participated in this event. This was for the board of education Vs brown to desegregate public schools.
  • GreensBoro Sit-in Movement

    GreensBoro Sit-in Movement
    North Carolina, non violent protester's sit-ins, eventually Woolworth department store's let loose of there segregation.
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    From Washington D.C to the deep south, they wanted to go against being segregated on buses and on rail road stations.
  • James Mereidith enrolls at University of Mississippi

    James Mereidith enrolls at University of Mississippi
    He was a Civil rights avocate & became renown when he was the first black student to enroll in the University of Mississippi, riots soon broke out ..2 dead, hundreds of people are hurt.
  • Letter from birmingham

    Letter from birmingham
    Martin Luther King Jr. letter stating why nonviolent tactic's works against racism.
  • University of Alabama Desegregated

    University of Alabama Desegregated
    Governor George Wallace, let two African American go into the college for the first time
  • Medgar Evers Assinated

    Medgar Evers Assinated
    A klan's man killed this civil rights leader, he got tried two times and ended up in with life in prison, 7 years after he killed him he died in prison at 80.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Huge march for black's equality,in jobs,daily living, racial discrimination and political demonstration.
  • Birmingham church boming

    Birmingham church boming
    Bombing took place before church started, in a African American church, This bombing killed 4 little girls, this helped out the civil rights movement by moving it forward
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    All citizen's of the United States, got the right to vote with out paying a poll tax.
  • Freedom summer Project

    Freedom summer Project
    Voter registration project, volunteer project that tried to expand and to get a as many African American to register to vote
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    This act banned segregation in all public places, and at jobs
  • Martin Luther king wins Nobel peace prize

    Martin Luther king wins Nobel peace prize
    Won the Nobel Peace prize for his non-violent ways against racism.
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
    Thousands of African American marched to stop the discrimination when it came to them voting, such as rules and regulations to stop them from voting,
  • Voting rights of 1965

    Voting rights of 1965
    Lyndon B. Johnson sign this to help African American's with voting with state and local governments and rules
  • Watts riots

    Watts riots
    The Watts riots took place for 6 days, enraged African Americans destroyed millions of property over a African American guy that had got pulled over for reckless driving, result him getting beat
  • Thurgood Marshall Named Supreme Court of Justice

    Thurgood Marshall Named Supreme Court of Justice
    He was the first African american Supreme Court Of justice, votes were 69-11, he won almost all of his cases.
  • Ruby Bridges attends school in New Orleans

    Ruby Bridges attends school in New Orleans
    She was the first African American child to desegregate an all white school in Louisiana.
  • Martin Luther King assassinated

    Martin Luther King assassinated
    James Earl Ray, killed Martin Luther King with a gun at a Motel.. Martin was then rushed to a hospital and later died at 7:05 pm