The Montogomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks took a seat behind the white section on the bus which then cause of a problem. She was told to move by the bus driver and denied the request. She was then arrested and decied to fight the supreme court for equality. Within a few days of her arrest, African Americans in Montgomery had organized the bus boycott. After decades of not being treated equally they decided it was the time to demand equal rights. -
The Little Rock 9
A school board in Little Rock,Arkansas won a court case order requiring that nine African American students be admitted to Central High. Governor Faubus ordered troops from the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the nine students from entering the school.Faubus used armed forces to go agaist govt and what they say. Faubus let the whites beat the african americans when they entered the school. President Eisenhower ordered troops to go to Arkansas to protect the nine children involved. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
This was intended to protect the right of frican americans to vote. Eisenhower believed firmly in the right to vote, he view it as his responsibilty. He sent the bill out to congree in 1956 hopeing African americans would vote republican. Many southern states tried to stop The CRA of 1957 but the senate leader Lyndo Johnson put together a compromise. This act created the civil rights division w/in the justise department and gave authority to seek court with anyone interfering with the right to -
The sit in Movement
4 afican american students were denied to be served food at Woolworts resturant. They stayed all night until closing, and announced they would be back everyday until they got the same service as the whites. The following day 29 African Americans took part and then it got up to 300 students.Over months many took part in this sit down. Ella Baker established the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, students proved the press wrong they remained nonviolent when the press thought they wouldent. -
The Freedom Riders
James Farmer created a teams of African Americans and white volunteers many were college stundent, to travel into the south and to draw attention to its refusal to integrate bus terminals. -
James Meredith and the Desegregation of the University of Mississippi
James Meredith an african american air force veteren applied for transfer to the University of Mississippi.Up to the point the university had avoided complying with the Supreme Court ruling ending segregated education.Mr.Barnett, the governor denied to the court order to register into the school. President Kennedy ordered 500 marshals to escort Meredith t the campus. A white mob attacked the campus. 160 marshals hurt. Kennedy ordered 1000s or troops to the campus. He then graduated in August. -
Protests in Birmingham
Martin Luther King Jr was frusterated by the acts of the Mississippi events. He felt that ony violence was involved government would step in and help. In the spring of 1963 he decided to launch demonstrations in Birmingham. pg.863 -
The March on Washington
Dr.King realized Kennedy would have a hard time pushing through the civil rights bill through congress. So he tried to build more public support.On August 28, 1963 more then 200,000 people of all races flocked to the capital. The audience heard speeches and sang hymns and songs. Then King delievered a powerful speech outling his dreams of freedom and equility. -
Civil rights act of 1964
Many African Americans worried the bill would not pass. During all this worry John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas on November 22,1963. Vice President Lydon Johnson became president. It was then when this law went to congress and was passed. This act ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. With the help of Johnson and Kennedy. -
The Selma March
In January 1965 the SCLC and Dr.King seleceted Selma Alabama as the focal point for there campign for vote rights.The majorit was African americans. In december 1964 Dr.KIng reveived the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.On March 7,1965 the march began. The SCLC and SNCC led 500 protesters towrds the US Highway. As protesters begine to march out of the city they were faced with more then 200 state troopers, many were beaten,This became known as "Bloody SUnday." -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
House of representatives passed the voting rights bill. The Voting Act authorized the U.S attorney generals to send federal examiners to register quilified voters, bypassing local officals who often refused to register african ameericans. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
On April 4,1968 Dr.King stood on his hotel balcony in Memphis, it was then when he was assassinated. DR.Kings death touched both national mourning ans riots in more then 100 cities, including Washington DC. Dr.Kings assistant Ralph Abernathy took over the Poor Peoples Campaign. In the wake of Dr.King congress did pass the civil rights act of 1968.