Civil rights movement

Civil Rights Movement Timeline

By D-Raj
  • Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College

    Benjamin Mays becomes president of Morehouse College
    He was a mentor for MLK. He strengthened the schools's academic rigor and was a successful fundraise. He helped with the NAACP and YMCA. He supported passive resistance strategies taught by Gandhi which would be used in civil rights in America.
  • Three Governors Controversy

    Three Governors Controversy
    3 people wanted to be governor. Initially, Eugene Talmadge was elected but he died before he took office. Many supporters of Eugene Talmadge wrote Herman Talmadge in for governor.Melvin Thompson thought he should be governor because he was the liutenant governor. Also, Ellis Arnall, refused go give up his office. A special election happened in 1948 where Herman defeated Melvin Thompson. Herman Talmadge was a segregationist and helped support education and industry.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    It showed that racial segregation of children was illegal and violated the Equal Protection Clause of Fourteenth Amendment. Oliver Brown, a parent, filed a case against the Topeka Board of Education because his daughter was denied access to Topeka's white schools. Thanks to Chief Justice Earl Warren, racial segregation was now illegal in the US.
  • State Flag changes

    State Flag changes
    The 1956 flag was changed to include the Confederate battle flag, which was adopted by groups such as the KKK. Some wanted to mark the centennial of the Civil War. Some people changed the flag to protest civil rights legislation.
  • SNCC founded

    SNCC founded
    They would conduct non-violent campaigns against segregation and racism. They played a important role in events such as the Albany Movement, March on Washington, and March from Selma to Montgomery. It started from student-led sit ins to protest lunch segregated lunch counters.
  • Sibley shows Sibley Commision reports

    Sibley shows Sibley Commision reports
    John Sibley, led 10 hearings across the state to determine if people wanted to integrate schools or not. The result showed that 60% of Georgians would close the public schools than to integrate. He still pushed for schools in Georgia. The legislature voted in January 1961. Later that year, Atlanta desegregated their schools.
  • Hamilton Homes and Charlyne Hunter admitted to UGA

    Hamilton Homes and Charlyne Hunter admitted to UGA
    They were ideal candidates for colllege. They were not accepted at first by UGA because of their race. The University claimed they rejected the students because of the lack of housing etc. The two students brought their case to federal court. After 3 weeks, the court ruled in favor of Hunter and Holmes.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    They wanted to challenge segregation laws. Over 500 protestors landed in jail. They invited MLK to take part in the protest. The Albany Movement is seen as a failed attempt to desegregte an entire community, but a valuable learning experience.
  • March to Washington

    March to Washington
    Over 250,000 activists gathered in Washington D.C to push for civil rights legislation. MLK gave his most famous speech: I Have a Dream. It led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Martin Luther King was a well-known Georgian. He got the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the spokesman for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act made segregation on bases of sex and race in hiring, promoting, and firing illegal. It was sparked by the March on Washington. The bill was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It ended segregation in schools, and public facitilites such as city halls, movie theaters, and even water fountains.
  • Lester Maddox gets elected

    Lester Maddox gets elected
    He was the last segregationsist governor in georgia. He beat Ellis Arnall in 1966. Suprisingly, he appointed more African-Americans to governor positions than all other governors combined. He didn't let flags at state buildings to be flown after death of MLK, and fought against Democrats who supported civil rights at 1968 National Convention.
  • Maynard Jackson takes oath to office.

    Maynard Jackson takes oath to office.
    He provided more work to black-owned busineesses and expanded Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport. He added more black police officers to the police force. He worked with Andrew Young and Billy Paine to bring the Olympics to Atlanta. He was the first black mayor of a southern city.
  • Andrew Young gets elected as mayor

    Andrew Young gets elected as mayor
    He became active in Civil Rights movement, and was a close associate with MLK. He was Georgia's first African-American congressman since Reconstruction. He was appointed ambassador to the UN in 1977. He was instrumental in the city's growth, and prestige in the world. In 1981, he was elected the mayor of Atlanta.