Civil RIghts Movement Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement Timeline

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Furguson was a landmark U.S. supreme court decision allowing "seperate but equal" to remain lawful in states that chose to enforce it.
  • NAACP founded

    NAACP founded
  • FDR bans discrimination in defense industries

    FDR bans discrimination in defense industries
  • CORE founded

    CORE founded
    CORE is the Congress Of Racial Equality. It is a U.S. Civil Rights organization that played a pivotal role for African-Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. Membership in CORE is still stated to be open to "anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and are willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world”.
  • An American Dilemma published

    An American Dilemma published
    An American Dilemma: The Negro problem and Modern Democracy is a 1944 study of race relations by Swedish non-American. It set the groundwork for future racial integration.
  • Jackie Robinson breaks MLB color barrier

    Jackie Robinson breaks MLB color barrier
  • Emmett Till murdered

    Emmett Till murdered
  • Rosa Parks arrested

    Rosa Parks arrested
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
  • SCLC

  • Little Rock 9 integrate Central High School

    Little Rock 9 integrate Central High School
  • James Meredith intergrate Central High School

    James Meredith intergrate Central High School
  • Sit-ins Greesboro

    Sit-ins Greesboro
  • SNCC

  • Freedom RIdes

    Freedom RIdes
  • Medgar Evers assassinated

    Medgar Evers assassinated
  • 16th St. Baptist Church Bombed

    16th St. Baptist Church Bombed
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    Letter from Birmingham Jail
  • Sunday Bloody Sunday Alambama

    Sunday Bloody Sunday Alambama
  • Voting Right Act of 1965

  • Black Panther Party founded

  • Dr. King assassinated

  • Byron de la Beck with convicted of Medgar Evers MUrder