Civil Rights Movement in Gerogia

By nhodzic
  • Change to Georgia State Flag

    Change to Georgia State Flag
    Georgia people wanted to have a flag to represent the old Confederate flag. Some beleived it was to honor the dead of the civil war. Some say it was a symbol that Georgia was against intergration.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    MLK president.
  • Atlanta Student Movement

    Atlanta Student Movement
    Inspired by a student sit-in at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, the three young men laid the groundwork for what would become a seminal phase in the Civil Rights Movement. Students conducted marches, picketing, and sit-ins that resulted in the desegregation of public and private facilities which had denied service or access to people of color. These included restaurants, businesses, schools, housing and hospitals.
  • Savannah Sit-ins & Boycott

    Black students in Savannah sit-in at eight downtown lunch counters. Three are arrested. Led by postman Westley Wallace Law of the NAACP, the local movement then demands desegregation of facilities, use of courtesy titles (Mr., Mrs., Miss, instead of the usual "boy" or "girl"), and hiring of Black clerks and managers. To win these demands, they call for a boycott of white-owned downtown stores.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    workers from NAACP and SNCC wanted to test the rule that segregation was illegal on buses and train stations and sat in the whites only section at an Albany GA train station. Their arrests sparked the Albany Movement. Tons of African-Americans started sitting in the whites only sections and kept getting arrested. This went on for months and at one point 500 people were in jail or out on bond Including MLK. This went on for months.
  • Integration of The University of Georgia

    Integration of The University of Georgia
    Federal court said that African-American students named Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were to attend UGA.GA officials cut off funds to UGA. People started freakingout that the UGA was going to close down. Administrators urged the people to stay calm. It was good until January 11th when an angry mob formed outside the dormitories. Property damage was suggnificant and the media was all over it. The GA legislative repealed the laws of cutting funding to any intergrated schools.