Herman Talmadge elected Governor
Herman Talmadge was elected governor in 1948 and he was a white supremicist. Almost every black man didn't support him, but he still was elected. He started off his carrier badly, but he did help GA a little with farming, but not Civill Rights. -
Brown vs. BOE
Brown was in a court case agenst the board or education, trying to get schools de-segregated because his daughter wasnt allowed to be admitted into a all whites school. He won his case (the government declared segregated schools unconstitutional) and all of the schools in the US had to de-segregate. -
Changing of the Flag
The Georgians of 1956 wanted to have a flag to represent the old confederate flag and to honor the dead from the war. It was designed by John Bell (a segregationalist). This is important because it marks a small rebellious act of GA by trying to mimic the old confederate flag. -
Atlanta Sit-Ins
There were many sit ins on this period of time (March to October) in Atlanta. Blacks would go into white only resturants and sit there getting beaten and verbally abused in the process. People realized how bad this was and there were laws changed after a while that desegregated bars. -
UGA admitts Hunter and Holmes
On Jan 6th, 1961, UGS admitted their 2 black students. They were tormented and harrased so much that they bodyguards to defend them. This marks a big jump of desegregating schools in GA. -
Macon Bus Boycott
The Macon Bus Boycotts were very helpful to Civil Rights. The bus drivers didnt make as much money, so they wanted blacks to ride their busses. The blacks wanted laws changed, so the laws got changed and they started riding the buses again and everyone as happy. -
MLK I have a dream speech
This speech did not happen in GA (Washington DC) but it was one of the greatest leaps in CIvil Rights that there ever was. MLK delivered a powerful speech to millions of americans talking about equality. -
Summerhill Race Riot
The horrible Summerhill race roit lasted for 4 days. The riot all started from news articles reporting false black crimes. Whites dragged innocent blacks out into the streets and beat them to a pulp. This was horribly unfair riot for blacks. -
All GA schools integrated
Throughout the year of 1971, all of the GA schools integrated from whites only to blacks and whites. This was a big hit for all of the southern states refusing to desegregate. -
Andrew Young becomes mayor
Andrew Young was the first black mayor of GA. He was a big help in Civil Rights, and he encouraged blacks to run for office.