Slaves were seen as three fifths of a person. -
Period: to
Civil rights movement
Civil Rights Movement began
Movement known as the Civil Rights movemnet aimed at ending discrimination towards african americans began. -
First organized protest
Rosa Parks was arrected for disobeying an Alabama bus law stateing that balcks must give up their seats if a white man wanted to sit in them or in the same row, this resulted in a protest held by african american citezens, they boycotted the bus system. The protest lasting over a year, ending with the city abolishing the law. It was the fisrt organized protest of the Civil Rights Movement. -
Emmit Till
A young teenager named Emmit Till was beaten and killed by two white men while visiting Mississippi. The men were charged of murder but then aquitted by a whie jury. -
Groups form
Many Civil Rights groups promoted equal rights through non-violent civil protests and community development programs, over the years, the groups gained increasingly violent resistance led by whites. Law enforcement would violently break up the protests killing many civil rights activists. -
March on Washington
Civil Rights leaders, including King, organized a march on washington for jobs and freedon, KIng delivered his "I have a dream" speech, which came to symbolize the civil rights movement.