Civil rights movement

  • Brown vs board of education

    Is about an African American in Topeka Kansas in 1951 that called upon a local branch of the national association when is daughter was denied the right to be enrolled in an all white school
  • Montgomery. Bus boycott

    An African American seamstress Rosa parks refused to give up her seat on the white section of the bus which lead to her getting arrested. Which in turn lead to other memebers of the African American community to protest and riot
  • Civil rights act

    President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law the civil rights act , this is one of the first occasions since before to help revise the protection of the. Civil rights
  • March on Washington

    A quarter of a million Americans converged on the nations capital in the defining moments of the civil rights movements
  • Civil rights act

    This act out lawed segregation in businesses such as theaters hotels and restaurants. It banned discriminatory practices with employment and banned segregation in public places such as swimming pools public schools and libraries
  • Martian Luther kings association

    Martin Luther king was assionated by a sniper bullet while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine motel in Memphis . As the news of his death quickly spread major riots spread out as after an Americans were out ragged and violent riots broke out in African American neighborhoods All over the world