Brown v. Broad of Education
I. Plessy v. Ferguson II. Tried to integrate African American school children, but were forced out, and into one of the four Black schools. III. U.S Supreme Court ruled segregation in schools to be unconstitutional. -
Rosa Parks gets arrested for not moving for white people
I. Rosa Parks refused to move for a white person on a Montgomery public transport. II. She was taken into police custody, and arrested. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
I.Dwight D. Eisenhower II. It established the Civil Rights section of the Justice department, it also gave federal authority to seek court injunctions against anyone interfering with the right to vote -
Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
I. As the U.S Government forced integration, Governor Orval Faubus acted against federal law, and sent the Arkansas National Guard to keep he nine African American students from entering the School. II. Eisenhower decide he needed to act, and sent 1,000 U.S troops, and the 101st airborne division to uphold the peace, and escort the students in, out, and around school. -
The lynching of Mack Charles Parker
I. The Lynching of Mack Parker II. Poplarville, Mississippi III. Parker was dragged from his cell, then was shot, and killed, he was the thrown into the Pearl River. -
Attack of The Freedom Riders
I. The freedom riders would ride interstate buses to draw attention to the south's refusal to integrate bus terminals II. CORE III. Both races where apart of this. -
Death of Herbert Lee
I. Herbert Lee's Death II. Liberty, Mississippi III. Herbert was shot dead by his truck on September 25, 1961 -
James Meredith enrolls at Mississippi University
I. He tried to enroll however the Governor of Mississippi, refused to let him enroll. II. JFK hearing of this situation dispatched 500 federal marshals to escort Meredith to the school, after an angry mob attacked the marshals, Kennedy sent Soldiers to protect Meredith for the rest of the school year -
Birmingham Police attacks
I. Birmingham Police attack marching Children II. Birmingham, Alabama III. As African American protesters walked about Birmingham, Sheriff Bull Connor, and his police force attacked them with Dogs, and Fire hoses -
The Assassination of Medgar Evers
I. Medgar Evers was a civil rights activist who fought for voting rights, and against segregation II. Medgar was outside of his home, in his drive way when he was shot to death by Bryon De La Beckwith -
The March on Washington
I. King wanted to build more public support for the civil rights movement, he also wanted to ween congress to pass the civil rights act of 1964 II. King's Famous "I have a dream" speech -
Poll Tax Outlawed
I. Poll Tax outlawed in federal elections II. Washington D.C III. This day the 24th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was passed outlawing poll taxes -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
I. President Lyndon Johnson II. The law made segregation illegal in places of accommodation, gave all citizens equal access to restaurants, and other public places -
March to Selma
I. It To put pressure on The President, and Congress for the registration of African American voters II. Sheriff Jim Clark, and 200 state troopers, and deputized citizens, attacked the marchers III. Outraged by the vicious attacks of the marchers president Johnson went on television to propose a new voting rights law -
The Death of Benjamin Brown
I. Benjamin Brown's death II. Jacksonville, Mississippi III. Benjamin was slain when police open fired on a crowd of protesters in Jacksonville -
Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black Supreme Court Justice
I. He was NAACP's chief counsel and director of its Legal Defense, and Education Fund II. It showed that the Civil Rights movement was accomplishing things, and working. -
The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I. As King was standing outside his hotel balcony, in Memphis a sniper shot, and killed the reverend. II. King's death ended an age in history in which whites, and blacks worked together to achieve a goal.
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