CIvil RIghts Movement

  • Brown V. BOE

    Brown V. BOE overturned Plessy Vs Fergason was completely unconstitutional.This Impacted the Country because it outlawed segregatoin in public schools. This Changed the history because they now have equality in education.
  • Little Rock Nine

    This was the next step into inegration because they were the first black students to intgrate into white schools. This impacted the country because The Little Rock Nine people were trying to show that change was going to happen.
  • Emmit Till

    The killing of a young Black Boy Emmit Till shocked A lot of people involved with the Civil Rights Movement. Emmit Till was Murdered because he " Wolf Wisseled " T a lady working in the Candy store. The death of Emmit Till shocked most of the American People because it showed how brutally attacked he was.
  • Motgomery Bus Boycott

    The Purpose of the boycott was to show that they didn't want to sit in the back of the bus. Most of the time the bus would take off before the black people were able to get on the bus. This impacted the Civil Rights Movement because it showed that they didn't need the busses to travel. Most people walked more than 10 miles a day to get to work.
  • Greensboro Four

    The Purpose of the Greensboro four was to show that they would protest peacfully by doing sit-ins. The Purpose of these sit-ins was to Desgregate places in the south manily Lunch counters and Public facilites. The Sit-ins had a big impact because it adventually outlawed segregation at lunch counters and public places.
  • Freedom Riders

    The purpose of the Freedom Riders was to desgregate inerstate busses. This was important because the people that were riding interstate busses wanted to go across the south but most of the time they were brutally attacked by the KKK. This impacted the Civil Rights Movement because this protest was able to desegregate .interstate busses
  • Birmingham Campaign

    The Purpose of the Birmingham Campaign was to show how bad racial discrimination was. Martin Luther King Jr Chose to go to Birmignham because it was the most racially divided citys in the Alabama. The Birmingham polices respone to the childrens march was not ok. He had police men with dogs and with Fire hoses sprying the young childeren marching. The impact was that Birmingham was desegregated and legeslations were attached.
  • March On Washington

    The Goal for the March on Washington was to gain Political and Economic equallity. Martin Luther king Jr gave his favorite speech called the I have a Dream speech.The impact the March on Washington had was that it ended most segregation in the south.
  • Voting Rights March- Selma, Alabama

    The Marchers that went over the Edmund Pettis Bridge were attacked by Police and tear gased and Beaten. The Third attempt was successful because teh President sends down troops to protect the people marching. This it imapcted them because it lead to an increase of support for voting rights.
  • Freedom Summer

    The Purpose was to help Africn Americans in the south to be able to vote. The Reactions were very violent. The Violence helped convince people that there needed to be voting rights.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Purpose was to end segregation everywhere. This had an Impact because everyone was now equal. Blacks could do everythign the whites could do.
  • Heart of Atlanta Motel V. US

    The issue was that the guy that owned the Motel didn't want to serve blacks.The Desison was that the Guy had to serve them. Thsi was an impact because African Americans can stay at white motels.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The purpose of it was to allow African Americans the Abillity to vote. The impact was that African Americans can now regester to vote.