CIvil Rights Movement

By Anandk
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    Benjamin Mays

    He was known as the longtime president of Morehouse College in Atlanta. He was also a significant mentor to the civil rights leader; MLK. He also served a leadership role in many other internation organizations like the NAACP. He was a very known speaker and lecturer of civil rights for Africans.
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    Lester Maddox

    He grew up knowing poverty and he dropped out of high school and worked in the steel factories. He also worked for bomb companies during world war 2. Soon he quit his job thinking about making his company. He only allowed American people to enter and was not a fan of integration He gained many American customers because of that reason. Maddox tried multiple times to become governor but was beaten every time. Soon, he finnaly became governor. He wanted money, and then to go back to Africa.
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    Martin Luther King Junior

    Martin Luther KIng Jr. believed that we should fix the racial problems without violence. He told all the African Americans who followed him to not fight back. That it was fine if they wre beaten, but not fine for them to throw a hit. MLK has led many famous marches near and around Alabama. He also led many boycotts in and around ALabama to stop the racial segregation without violence. He then faught for voting rights for the African Americans. He was then assasinated later.
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    Andrew Young

    Young was born into a middle class family. Young later in his life, assisted in the organization of "citizenship schools" for the SCLC. He worked in workshops that taught nonviolent organizing strategies to local people. Young became a trusted aide to MLK. He soon rose to congress and was one of the few African congress members. Young returned to Atlanta later and was elected to mayor. He had helped to create revolution in black political power.
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    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne

    Hamilton Homes was a very smart man and worked hard in school while also balancing in some sports. At this time, the NAACP was hiring students to fight against segregation in Georgia. After he finished university at UGA, he finally became a physician at Emory Medical Center. He was the first African American to work at Emory. He also created many scholarships for poor and ambitious African American kids.
  • Three Governors Controversy

    Three Governors Controversy
    After Euguen Talmadge's death, there were three claimants for the spot of governor. Talmadge's old believers thought that Herman Talmadge should be the new governor. Melvin Thompson believed that he should be governor because he was the luteniant governor when Talmadge died. Elis Arnall said that he wouldn't leave office until this dispute was taken care of. After a special election, Herman Talmadge was elected.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    In the early 1950s, there were a lot of racially segregated schools because of the Plessy v. Fergusson case. There was a case where a child of a black family went into a white school. Earl Warren believed that the decision that racial segregation in schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. From then on, they believed that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.
  • SNCC Founded

    SNCC Founded
    The group consisted of many children that were still going to school. SNCC was made to coordinate youth-led nonviolent, direct -action campaigns against segregation and other forms of racism.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    In 1960, the Governor of Georgia was forced to decide between public schools or complying with a federal order to desegregate them. He created a new legislating to the General Assembly in schools. It was called the Sibley Commission. The committee was charged with gathering state residents' sentiments regarding desegregating. The commission slowed down the desegregation process. People said that they would rather not go to school than going to school with African Americans.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More than 200,000 Americans gathered near Washington. MLK gave a very important and well known speech titles "I have a dream". The march becamse a kkey moment in the growimg struggle for civil rights in the United States.
  • Maynard Jackson as Mayor of Atlanta

    Maynard Jackson was elected mayor in 1973. He was the first African American to became a mayor of a major southern city. He was always a very highly influental force in the city even after he left congress. He worked with Andrew Young and some other people to bring the olypics to Atlanta.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    Governor Sonny Perdue signed legislation creating a new state flag for Georgia making this a new record for 3 new stateflags in only 27 months. In early Georgia times, militia members in Georgia needed a flag to symbolize Georgia. ALl the militia flags thta were sown had a common element; the coat of arms from Georgia's state seal.