Integration of the armed forces
In response to the lynchings of black war veterans, President Truman announces the intent to end segregation of the armed forces. image: "Poor William's Almanack, July 26, 2010, Voodoo Medicine?" Poor William Almanack & Journal. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. http://www.poorwilliam.net/al-072610.html. -
Brown v. Board
A case in which the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, ruled the segregation of public schools unconstituional. Decision faced huge resistance in the South. image:"Kansas 150 SLK." : Brown v. Board of Education. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. http://kansas150slk.blogspot.com/2010/07/brown-v-board-of-education.html. -
Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas
The governor of Arkansas was using the National Guard to prevent African-American students from entering a high school. Eisenhower directly responded with troops. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Formed by MLK, Jr., wanted to use the power of black churches to benefit black rights. -
Civil Rights Comission
Created to protect and enforce civil and voting rights. -
This date marked the beginning of a long occurrence of sit-ins made by black citizens at white-only facilities. -
Group that wanted to give more focus and force to the sit-in movement. -
Freedom Riders
1960 marked the beginning of these bus rides across the South promoting integration. -
Freedom Ride bus violence
A mob torched one of these busses in Alabama. Also in Alabama, a riot broke out against these rides. This violence led to the issuing of federal marshalls to protect the rides. image:http://www.ibiblio.org/sncc/rides.html -
Meredith and Ole Miss.
James Meredith was being refused entrance due to his race. JFK sent thousands of troops to make sure he got enrolled. -
MLK in Birmingham
Campaigned in Birmingham against discrimination, met with violence.
"Some of the people sitting here will not come back alive from this campaign," -MLK -
Voter Education Project
Brought the majority of the South's black population into voting. -
Kennedy's moral issue speech
Televised speech in which JFK made the civil rights movement a "moral issue". -
March on Washington
MLK led more than 200,000 demonstrators to the Capitol. Gave "I Have a Dream" speech.
"I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -MLK -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Passed in JFK's memory, banned racial discrimination in most public facilities, employers could not discriminate by race, gave power to the EEOC, and provided gender equality. -
24th Amendment
Abolished poll taxes in federal elections. -
Freedom Summer
A massive drive of voter-registration. -
affirmative action
Passed by LBJ, helped out women and minorities. -
Voting Rights Act
Outlawed literacy tests for voting and sent federal voter registrars into Southern states.
"Give us the ballot and the South will never be the same again." - MLK -
Black Power
Idea spread by Stokely Carmichael that wanted to smash Western accomplishments. -
MLK Assassination
His death in Memphis led to riots across the nation. -
Philadelphia Plan
A minority hiring quota established by Nixon. -
Equal Rights Amendment
The law would gurantee gender equality. However, it eventually died out and did not pass into law. -
Roe v. Wade
The Court prohibited a law that would make abortion illegal.