Civil Rights Movement Angela Chapin

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    1. Plessy v. Ferguson
    2. One kid was denied access to a white school in Topeka
    3. That segregation in schools violated the 14 amendment
  • Lamar Smith

    Lamar Smith
    Was a 63 year old farmer, who was also a voting activist he was helping black voters fill out the ballots. when he went outside he was shot to death.
    Brookhaven Mississippi
  • Emmett Louis Till

    Emmett Louis Till
    He was visiting his uncle, and went into a store with his cousin. While in the store he spoke to a white women who went home and told her husband who then went that night and killed him.
    Money Mississippi
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks Arrested
    1. She refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested.
    2. She was arrestes
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    1. Congress
    2. It was intened to protect the right to vote for African Americans
  • Little Rock Arkansas

    Little Rock Arkansas
    1. The first nine African American students went to a all white high school.
    2. They sent in the National Guard to protect them.
  • Mack Charles Parker

    Mack Charles Parker
    He was accused of raping and kidnapping a white women but 3 days before his trial he was abducted from jail and killed.
    Poplerville Mississippi
  • Attack of the Freedom Riders

    Attack of the Freedom Riders
    1. They rode on buses in the south and refused to move if a white person got on the bus.
    2. CORE and SNCC helped the freedom riders.
    3. Both whites and blacks were part of the freedom riders.
  • James Merdith enrolls at Ole Miss

    James Merdith enrolls at Ole Miss
    1. He tried to enroll but mobs broke out and ended in violence.
    2. The government sent federal forces to stop the riots and mobs.
  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    Medgar Evers Assassinated
    1. He was a Civil Rights activist and the first state field sectary of NAACP.
    2. He was usually threatened because he kept helping and fighting for blacks but on June 12 1963 he was shot in the back while standing in his driveway.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    1. The purpose was to try and convince the government to change their views on political and social challenges of the African Americans.
    2. The speech "I Have a Dream" -Martin Luther King Jr
  • Virgil Lamar Ware

    Virgil Lamar Ware
    Was a 13 year old African American who was shot by 2 white 16 year old boys who shot him just to scare him for fun.
    Brimingham Alabama
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    1. President Johnson passed it.
    2. It ended segregation in public places.
  • Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Jimmie Lee Jackson
    He was a civil rights activist who was killed by a Alabama state trooper during a peaceful protest.
    Marion Alabama
  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    1. To help raise awareness of blacks voting and to help register blacks for voting.
    2. They were beaten, called names and arrested.
    3. The Voting Rights Act was passed.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    1. He was attorney for NAACP and won 29 out of 32 cases then JFK appointed him to the Court of Appeals then Johnson appointed him Solicitor General.
    2. He helped so many African Americans and was recognized by both presidents.
  • The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr

    The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
    1. Martin Luther King Jr was on a second floor balcony of his motel he was shot in the neck and rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.
    2. His death impacted all Americas because he wanted equality for all, not just blacks