Brown v broad of education
The Supreme Court wanted and ruled that the kids would be separated, based on their race. They violated the fourteen amendment. They weren’t allowed to be in the same schools. -
Murder of Emmett Till
Fourteen year old was killed. He was tortured by two men,
He was thrown into the water. He was weighted down by seventy-five pound cotton gin fan. -
Rosa parks and Martin Luther king Jr.
Rosa refuses to give up her seat. She was then arrested and fined $10. When that happened then buses ran empty for 381 days. -
Southern Christian leadership conference
There was a meeting black church, the pastor of the church coordinate events from black people. A president was elected to be president, MLK. -
Little Rock 9
There was 9 students that wanted to go to the white school. The nine students walked up to the front lines in the battle for civil rights for all Americans. -
Greenboro sit ins
Four Black freshmen from the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina. Desegregation of Woolworth lunch counters and the spread of sit-ins. They refused to feed them and they don’t leave. They decided to shut down the store. -
Freedom riders
The college Students Blocked by the kkk, arrival at Anniston,Alabama. The tires slashes and fire boomed. The bus was burned and it was beaten. -
March on Washington
There was 250,000 people marching in Washington DC. Martin Luther king gave his “I have a dream” speech. It was a respectful protest for a job. -
Civil right act of 1964
They prevent racked discrimination and segregation. Based on their color ,race religion or national origin in the prove business. -
Malcom X
Principal spokesman of the Nation of Islam. He wanted black people to believe in themselves. He was shot 21 times by Thomas Hagan. -
The black march 54 miles to go to Montgomery. At the bridge they were all beaten and hurt by the troops. It was the bloodiest battle. -
Voting right acts
When Congress enacted the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ending the right to vote African American right to vote African Americans. -
Martin Luther king Jr.
Went back to the black motel. Martin was shot in the right side of his face. James earlray has been sentenced 99 years.