Civil Rights Movement

  • What is Segregation

    It is a Systematic separation of people based on race,religion, or gender.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    It's another saying of segregation. they have certain areas for whites and colored people to go, they even restrict their vote.

    It's to promote equality of rights and to eradicate caste or race prejudice among the citizens of the United States. To advance the interest of colored citizens.
  • Bus Boycott

    40,000 Black commuters walked to work, some went as far as twenty miles. It lasted 382 days, the bus companies struggled until the law that called for segregation was finally lifted
  • Rose Parks

    Rose Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, she refused to ride the back of the bus and was arrested. Now the because of this blacks protested by refusing to ride busses.
  • Martin Luther King

    He went on to deliver numerous powerful speeches promoting peace and desegregation. During the March he gave his famous speech of "I Have A Dream".
  • Civil Rights Act

    Protected voting rights of all minorities in the South.
  • Ruby Bridges

    Ruby Bridges at the age of 6 became the first black to attend a white elementary school. Many teachers refused to teach and many white students went home, but Barbara Henry was the only teacher who agreed to do so.
  • Sit-In

    It was a Non-violent method to bring equality. Members of this method go to segregated public place and when denied service they sit down and refused to leave.
  • What is Civil Rights?

    It is the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality, It revolves around the basic right to be free from unequal treatment based certain protected characteristics.
  • Assassination of JFK

    JFK was shot in the head while he rode in the back of the open air limo, Jack Ruby was blamed for this.
  • LBJ

    He was Kennedy's Vice President and took as the President. He pushed through many of Kennedy's reforms.
    Banned discrimination in public accommodations.
  • Education programs

    He created Preschool as a head-start for low-wealth families. Job corps provided job training for difficult to employ people. PBS is a TV program providing a educational programming.
  • Healthcare

    Medicare-Health insurance program for senior citizens.
    Medicaid- Health insurance for people with limited income.
    it prevented many people from losing their life savings due to health issues later on.
  • Assassination

    Martian Luther King was assassinated this year. His death became a national day of the great speech and encouragement he gave to the people to never give up.