Civil rights movement

By Caiden
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    The supreme court determined that it is unconstitutional to segregate schools this helped move the movement forward by helping desegregation
  • Bus boycott

    Bus boycott
    Rosa parks started this boycott by simply not giving her seat in the front of a bus to a white person, this caused her to get kicked off the bu. This began the bus boycott were hundreds of black people refused to take the bus so instead they walked this helped further the movement by pushing equal bus rights
  • Civil rights act

    Civil rights act
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs civil rights act of 1957, the act protected civil rights this caused more support to the act
  • Temple bombing

    Temple bombing
    A large amount of dynamite was thrown into a temple and kills many black people including children, there were roughly 1000 people who belonged to the temple at the time. This helped further the civil right act by giving people the courage to speak up for their rights to stop groups like the KKK
  • New Orleans school integration

    New Orleans school integration
    Supreme Court makes push to desegregate the schools in New Orleans. it took ten whole years for the New Orleans schools to fully desegregate.This helped further the civil rights movement by desegregating people.
  • Freedom rides

    Freedom rides
    Civil rights activist ride in bus that has black and white people sitting together. The freedom riders were a group of activists who rode a bus through the south protesting bus segregation this helped the civil rights movement by helping to stop segregation
  • NAACP convention

    NAACP convention
    the NAACP or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has it's annual convention this group helped by pushing to help black peoples rights in america so they were equal
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    President John f. Kennedy was assassinated on November twenty second 1963
  • MLK Nobel prize

    MLK Nobel prize
    Dr Martin Luther King gets a Nobel peace prize he earned it for years of dedication to human rights specifically Black rights This helped further the civil rights movement by showing that you don't have to be white to get something like a Nobel prize
  • Montgomery march

    Montgomery march
    A group of protesters were attacked multiple times while trying to march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama this helped encourage others to march for their natural born rights of freedom
  • Kings assassination

    Kings assassination
    Dr Martin Luther king was assassinated at a hotel in Memphis which caused many riots and violent beatings this helped advance the movement by showing people, white and black how bad the racism was