The Montgomery Bus Boycott
-The important people that were involved in this boycot were Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and the NAACP.
-On this day Rosa Parks got onto the bus and sat down in the colored section of the bus, once more white people came onto the bus, she was asked to move. Soon the NAACP took control of the situation and challenged segregation in court.The boycott lead to ending the segregration on buses.
*Fun fact: Taxi drivers lowered their prices so that protesters could use taxis instead of the bus. -
The Little Rock 9
-Important people included The Little Rock school board, nine African Amercan students, and Central high school members.
-This happened to start intergration in the southern schools after Brown vs. BOE. On this day nine African American students were sent to an all-white school. Angry people threatened the students and they then stopped the intergration until 1959.
* Fun Fact: The African American students involved were scared and fled home. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
-Important people involved in this Act were Congress, Lyndon Johnson, and Eisenhower.
-This act was passed becauseEisenhower was a strong believer in Civil Rights for African Americans. This Act was intended to protect their rights to vote. This act started to get over 2 million African americans to register to vote.
*Fun Fact: More Republicans voted for the Act to be passed than Democrats. -
The Sit- In Movement
-Important people in the sit-in inculded Joseph McNeil, Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Ella Barker, NAACP and SCLC.
-This event happened because students were denied service at resturants. They sat in at a local all white lunch counter to stand up for the right to be served at every resturant. These sit-ins spread throughout the country and led to the creation of SNCC.
* Fun fact: Many African Americans were arrested for distrubing the peace. -
The Freedom Riders
-Important people included James Farmer, African Americans, white Americans, KKK, Theophilus Eugene Connor, president JFK,and Martin Luther king Jr.
- This happened because even though segregation in buses was outlawed, many southern states remained segregated. They wanted to intergrate bus terminals. During this many people were hurt, including bus fires from the Ku Klux Klan. After this Kennedy wanted a new civil rights bill.
*Fun Fact: The Feedom riders did not fight back. -
James Meredith and the Desegregation of the University of Mississippi
-Important people in this event include James Meredith, Ross Barnett, President Kennedy, and the University of Mississippi.
-James Meredith was a veteran that applied to go to University of Mississippi and Ross Barnett denied his reistry. Kennedy stepped in to be able to get James into the school and a roit occured. This problem was solved with the federal gaurd proecting him for the rest of the year.
*Fun Fact: The mod at the school threw acid at marshals. -
Protests in Birmingham
-Imprtant people include Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leaders, and Bull Connor.
-Martin Luther King Jr. started uprisings so that the government would get involved and make new civil rights laws. to stop the protests. Connor Bull orderd dogs, clubs, and high-pressured fire hoses on people who stood up for civil rights. This resulted in Kennedy preparing a new bill.
*Fun fact: Birmingham church was bombed because of this. -
The March on Washington
-The people included in this march are Martin Luther King Jr., Congress, president Kennedy, and civil rights activists.
-This happened because Dr. King knew that it would be hard for Kennedy to pass civil rights laws in Congress. He started this march in order to show Congress how many people this would affect. This led to the bill becoming a law for desgregation.
*Fun Fact: An estimated 250,000 to 300,000 people came from all over the country to be there. -
civil rights act of 1964
-Important people included president Johnson, Congress and African Americans.
- This law was passed because of he March on Washington so that African Americans could have more rights in the community. This Act made segregation illegal and granted equal access to all public facilities. This act also led to equality in jobs.
*Fun Fact: This did not stop dicrimination with voting. -
The Selma March
-Important people in this march included Martin Luther King Jr., African American citizens, civil rights activists, SCLC and Jim Clark.
-This march happened in order to recieve equal voting rights for Arican Americans. This march was one for freedom and to make Congress and the President pressure about passing laws. This march lead to the Voring Acts Act of 1965.
*Fun fact: 2,000 African americans and schoolchildren were arrested. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Important people in the even include Congress, the President, House of Representatives, and African Americans.
-This vote was passed in order to create equal rights for African Americans. The law sent federeal examiners to register qualitifed voters. This allowed 250,000 African Americans to vote.
*Fun Fact:This crreated a turning point in the civil rights movement. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
-Important people in this tragedy included Martin Luther King Jr. and James Earl Ray.
-This happened because Ray did not agrese with the civil rights movement. He wanted to kill one of the main people involved in the fight for equal rights, so on this day he shot Dr. King on the balocony of his hotel room. This event caused panic and shock throughout the country, created roits, and an era in american history.
*Fun Fact: This was the second time he was shot at.