Brown vs Board of education
Five cases (consolidated into one only name) that corroborated educational segregation illegal. Every kid had the right to receive education in any school without being rejected for their skin color. It was stated that dissociating white kids from black kids, was an immediate act of supporting superiority and inferiority within people. The final case finally made it possible for every kid to attend school in May 17, 1954. -
Guatemala's President overthrown
Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, President of Guatemala was well known for false and unaccomplished promises. He was corrupt and during his presidency the violence increased drastically. The U.S. decided to stop him before it became another case of unstoppable communism. Arbenz is removed from his charge after invasion in which he had lost his military support and had no other option than leave. -
Geneva Conference
From the beginning of April 26th, the world leaders debate and attempt to find solutions for problems like Korea and Vietnam, to finally restore peace. -
Southern Manifesto
A document was written from February to March opposing integration of blacks in public. -
Presidential Elections
The elections in which Eisenhower was shown to be loved by the people and got re-elected. Pople trusted in his guidance and trusted in his meaningufl oaths. -
Montgomery bus boycott
Since Decenber 5, Marthin Luther Kind encourage people to finlla rise against segregation in public transportation. Which started with Rosa Parks when she refuse to give her seat to a white man. -
Little Rock Central High School Integration
Little Rock high school voted to integrate schools but Orval Faubus, who was a politician, noitifes everyone that he would send guard against African-Americans to prevent them to enter High School. Finally, -
The Congress creates the national aeronautics and space administration. -
Greensboro Sit-Ins
Four black men ordered coffee at a counter at the Woolworth department store but since they were black and the department store was segregated, they weren't given anything and were asked to leave but they stayed there. The news reporters covered this event and as days passed, many more black people went to Woolworth just to stay there as a pacific protest against segregation. -
Lunch counter Protest
Ten black men sat down at a "whites only" counter in South Carolina. All of them were arrested and 9 of them were forced to do 30 days of labor work. -
Freedom Rides
Freedom rides were bus rides taken by Civil Rights activists on interstate buses to some southern states that were still segregated since the Supreme Court had said that segregation was unconstitutional for passengers going through interstate travels. They wanted to see if this decision was respected even in terminals like in the bathroom or water fountains. This test put people in danger since in one occasion a bus was put on fire and on another the Public Safety Commissioner of a state let the -
James Meredith
JFK sent about 5000 federal troops with James Meredith in order for him to register for classes in the University. There were riots against this which ended in 2 deaths and hundreds of injuries. -
Birmingham Campaign
Its purpose was to desegregate Birmingham's downtown merchants. In order to do this, they made some non-violent protests like sit-ins, knee-ins at church and marched toward the county building. Some people even risked themselves and got sentenced to some jail time in order for this plan to work. -
Desegregation drive in Birmingham
Martin Luther King Jr. and the SCLC opposed state laws that supported segregation so they started to protest. Riots, bombings and police were used to stop the protesters. -
Desegregation University of Alabama
After promising segregation forever in public, Gov. Wallace is forced by president JFK to let black people enroll in that university. -
March on Washington
This march was proposed and made by black people in order to fight against job discrimination and other problems that were against them at that time. The main demands they had were meaningful civil rights laws, a massive federal works program, full and fair employment, decent housing, the right to vote and adequate integrated education. -
Bombing of Birmingham Church
Bombs were planted in the Birmingham Church and while some black families were in the church, the bombs were detonated and it resulted in the death of 4 black girls and injuries of others. -
The 24th Amendment
The Amendment was passed with the purpose of incorporating black people a little more into society through the removal of the poll tax. It was decided under the hope of equality. -
Mississippi Summer Freedom Project
During the summer there was the hope of registration of black peoplefor voting. It lead to violence coming from the KKK and the police, trying to get black people out of the street. It went to the circumstances in which there was assassination of three people and burning of many houses. -
Malcolm X Assassination
Malcom X, a human right activist, is shot and then he dies. This happens exactly one week after his house was firebombed, which is why is believed that the killers were members of muslim faith. -
Voting Rights
The president Lyndon Johson signed to finally get rid of the discrimination towards people when voting. African-Americans could finally get a saying in the elections of their country without having to pay more for it, or having to take literacy tests. -
Detroit Riots
Detriot was considered the worst riot because of the increasingly amount of deaths. -
Martin Luther King Assassination
The most known activist humanirtarian that led the Civil Rights, it is shot to death while he's in the balcony on his hotel room. One of the greatest impact for the African-American community since he was their voice and helped them fin the voice they needed to rise against dicsrimination. -
Discrimination Prohibition
President Johnsonn signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which states that there shall not be people exposed to discrimination. Black or white, all together had the same chances of having access to education or labor. -
In the Summer Olympics being held in Mexico City, two black man represented the African-American community by wearing black sockss, no shoes which meant the poverty many had to go through due to segregation. But most importantly they stood silent and rose their fist up to the national anthem. This created controversy and people was surprise by the act, which led to them being taken out of the U.s team, but symbolized great courage for their race.