Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown v. Board of education

    Racial segregation in public schools was outlawed do the the court case.
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    Civil Rights Movement

  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    It was a protest where African Americans refused to use the bus due to the segregation and it was also known as the first large demonstration against segregation
  • Little Rock

    Nine African American students were kicked from Little Rock High School due to segregation but the President at the time, Eisenhower ordered an airborne division to allow those nine students to enter since they wanted to uphold the decision of the supreme court.
  • The Greensboro Sit-in

    Four African American students that went to A&T protested the whites only lunch counter by sitting at it anyway and they were refused service.
  • March of Washington

    Over 250,000 people gathered in the capital of the nation near the Lincoln memorial in order to protest for jobs and freedom, MLK also gave a speech at this protest.
  • Civil Rights Bill

    The president at the time, Lyndon Johnson, signed the civil rights bill into law which made stuff like employment discrimination and discrimination in public place illegal.
  • Bloody Sunday

    A march with about 600 people involved happened in Alabama to pretest voting rights and the group was attacked by law enforcement.
  • Voting Rights Act

    The president at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act which made it so discriminatory voting practiced were outlawed.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Martin Luther King was assassinated in Tennessee and it became a national day of mourning.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    The president at the time, Lyndon Johnson, signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which added to the previous Civil RIghts Act by adding the fact that the selling of houses based on race was now illegal.