Civil Rights movement

  • dread scott v. sandford

    dread scott v. sandford
    a slave went with his master to Illinois. when they went back to Missouri he sued for peace because he had been taken to a state where slavery was illegal. the court said because he was of African descent, he couldn't have rights under the constitution.
  • 13 amendment

    13 amendment
    ended slavery in the US. meaning the southern plantations didn't have slaves. but the south used other methods to suppress minorities.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    gave citizenship to anyone born in the us. added the due process clause. and states can't deny citizens' rights.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    The last of the reconstruction amendments. says you can't deny citizens to vote. due to that person's characteristics. the south used many tests to stop minorities from voting.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    decided during the Jim crow era. the ruling made it, so the segregation laws were legal. but it had to be proven unfair.
  • Jim crow era

    Jim crow era
    where south was mostly segregated. many black people were denied many rights in the south. faced many hate crimes on them.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    allows women to vote. came out of many decades without women's right to vote. kind of ended the 1st wave of feminism.
  • brown v. board of education.

    brown v. board of education.
    struck down segregation in schools. kind of overruled plessy v. freguson. national guard had to be deployed to make sure that a school was integrating.
  • affirmative action

    affirmative action
    allows minorities to be hired. given minorities special consideration. divided and controversial over usefulness.
  • civil rights act of 1964

    civil rights act of 1964
    signed by LBJ. outlaws' discrimination based on characteristics. met with opposition by the southern states.
  • voting rights act of 1965

    voting rights act of 1965
    outlawed discrimination for people voting. outlawed poll taxes essentially. met with strong southern opposition.
  • reed v reed

    reed v reed
    a couple splits up and fights over property left by son. the Idaho law says to choose men over women. court struck down the law. having to deal with equal treatment based on gender.
  • Regents of the university of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the university of California v. Bakke
    a case that upheld affirmative action. and allowed race to be a factor in college admissions. but paned quotas.
  • equal rights amendment

    equal rights amendment
    proposed but shot down due to the deadline passing. wanted to end discrimination based on gender. some women opposed it.
  • bowers v. hardwick

    bowers v. hardwick
    considered if homosexual activity was illegal or not. based on a law from Gregoria that criminals these actions. the court, sided with the law.
  • Americans with disabilities act

    Americans with disabilities act
    outlaws' discrimination based on disabilities. a bipartisan bill. helps people with disabilities to be treated equal and fairly.
  • motor voter act

    motor voter act
    makes an easier process to vote. through offering it through renewal of driver's licenses. and not stripping someone from voting registry.
  • lawernce v texas

    lawernce v texas
    made it ok for people to well sleep together without the intent to pro-create. struck down some laws against these activities. government does not intervene in relationships.
  • obergefell v hodges

    obergefell v hodges
    made same sex marriage legal. struck down state laws panning and not recognizing same sex marriages. due to equal protection and due process clause.