Civil Rights movement

  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    in topeka, kansas, there was a debate on whether to end segregation in schools
    African Americans wanted the "seperate" taken out of "seperate" but equal and for this case"seperate but equal" was granted unconstitutional.
    the brown case served as a catlyst for the modern cilvil rights movement, inspiring education reform everywhere and forming the legal means of challenging segregation in all areas of segregation.
  • Mongomery bus boycott

    Mongomery bus boycott
    in Montgomery, Alabama, the buses were boycotted from DEC 5, 1955 to Dec 20, 1956.
    the buses were boycotted because Rosa Parks refused to switch seat from a white man.
    The effect of the boycott let African American sit where ever they wanted on a bus and was another step toward the Civil rights movement
  • Central High school and the little rock nine

    Central High school and the little rock nine
    In little Rock, Arkansas,
    nine African American children were chosen to attend central high school because of the brown v. board of education incident. The Little Rock 9 changed the way that school works and helped equality in schools.
  • Greensboro sit-ins

    Greensboro sit-ins
    in Greensboro, North Carolina,
    the Greensboro sit in were nonviolent protests that caused the Woolworth store to end racial segregation in their store.
    this happened because 4 African Americans were denied service when they asked for coffee, but the 4 men stayed in the store until it closed. the next day 60 African Americans came to the store, and then 300
    5 months later, the store got rid of their "whites only" policy.
  • Freedom rides

    Freedom rides
    in Washington D.C,
    a group of people were inspired by Journey of Reconciliation to end segregation in all public buses.
    13 people decided to sit with at least 1 pair of interracial people in 1 seat and 1 African American in the front of the bus.
    The freedom rides ended segregation in all public buses. segregation is all public buses was now granted unconstitutional
  • I have a dream speech

    I have a dream speech
    in Washington D.C.,
    MLK jr. gave his famous "I have a dream speech"
    MLK believed people shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, so he created his speech to inspire people not to be racist.
    his speech worked, and alot of people weren't racist anymore
  • Civil rights act of 1965

    Civil rights act of 1965
    in the white house, the civil rights act banned segregation in all places in the U.S.A.
    this act was signed because the civil rights movement convinced nearly everybody that segregation was a bad thing.
    this made all African American the same rights the white people did.
  • Selma to Montgomery March

    Selma to Montgomery March
    in Selma Alabama, African Americans wanted the rights to vote
    this was event occurred because African Americans had many rights, but not the the right to vote.
    the march eventually gave African Americans the right to vote.
  • Voting rights act of 1965

    Voting rights act of 1965
    In the white house, the voting rights act of 1965 was signed to give all African Americans the right to vote.
    White people could vote, but not African Americans, so African Americans wanted the right to vote just like white people.
    This Allowed African American's to vote, and later gave women the right to vote.