Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    The Brown family goes against the board of education and end up winning, court rules segregation in public schools unconstitutional. Leads to the important events of Little Rock Nine.
  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    Emmet Till was a 14 year old boy who was tragically and brutally murdered by 2 white men. Thanks to the media getting this event out there, the nation was enraged and contributed to the recognition of the treatment of African Americans.
  • Montgomery Buss Boycott

    Montgomery Buss Boycott
    The Montgomery Buss Boycott was a political and social protest against segregation in public transportation systems. This started with Rosa Parks who refused to give her seat to a white male, from there things escalated and led to this protest. This was a huge success because African Americans realized the power they held. The majority of buss riders where them, and without African Americans bus drivers would have little to no business.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Following the success of the Brown V. Board of Education which desegregated public schools, 9 African Americans were the first to attend Little Rock High School, an all white school, in 1957. Their actions helped the progress to help end all legal segregation.
  • The Children’s Crusade

    The Children’s Crusade
    The children’s crusade was a peaceful march in which MLK used the strategy of putting children first/at the front. During the march they were met with violence from white oppressors. Photos made it to the media which led the nation, outside of the south, to be enraged. This led to a big change and event, it drove president John F. Kennedy to support the civil rights movement and it led to the passing of the civil rights act of 1964.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    All past events were able to lead the signed Civil Rights Act by president Lyndon Johnson, Which prohibited discrimination in public areas. This brought great success and changes which helped promote equality along with creating a society where there was more justice regardless of color.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was a brutal and violent event faced by marchers from Selma to Montgomery. It was televised and shown to almost all the nation. It showed images of peaceful protesters being attacked by law enforcement. It gathered attention and raised awareness about the struggles for those fighting for voting rights and equality. The outrage that came from this helped pass the voting rights act of 1965.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    Martin Luther King Jr, a very important person in the civil rights movement, was shot and killed on April 4th, 1968. Four years after the civil rights act was signed. His death was also followed by the death of the movement. King has a great legacy, though his dream of equal society lived on.
  • Henry Hank Aaron

    Henry Hank Aaron
    Henry “Hank” Aaron was a legendary black baseball player and a significant figure for the civil rights movement. He was able to break social barriers even though met with a lot of of racism, he stayed focused on his passion. This act inspired other athletes to use their voices for social change like he did. Aaron used his fame to advocate for racial equality.
  • First African American President

    First African American President
    In the year 2008 Barack Obama was elected president and was the first African American to take the tittle. This was a historic moment that brought many changes I civil rights. Obamas election was a sign of progress for the fight of racial equality. He implemented policies that promoted equality and justice.