Civil Rights Movement

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    In 1940 he became the president of Morehouse College. Martin Luuther King Jr. was one of his students. He has two autobiographies.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    In 1966 the goverment was runb by democrats who finally after a failing political career picked Lester Maddox to be governor. He appointed more African Americans to government positions than all previous Georgia governors combined. Because of all his work he was a very popular canidate.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Era

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    href='http://' >MLk quiz</a>He promoted non-violent acts towards whites which quickly changed the of fighting over segreg . On 8/28/1963 he lead the March on Washington and delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. In 1968 he was assasinated in Memphis, Tennesee. His work in the Civil Rights Movement will be remembered forever. Martin Luther King Jr. Video
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    He was Martin Luther King Jr.'s aid. He was with Martin Luther King Jr. when the civil rights leader was assassinated. After the assassination he became the executive directorship of the SCLC
  • Three Governor's Race

    Three Governor's Race
    This began with the death of Governor Eugene Talmadge. When the General Assembly elected Talmadge’s son as governor, lieutenant governor, Melvin Thompson, said he should be governor, and the leaving governor, Ellis Arnall, refused to leave. The new state constitution created the office of lieutenant governor which meant that Melvin Thompson, a member of the anti-Talmadge camp, was elected lieutenant governor in 1946. He became governor but Talmadge started campaining for the 1948 election.
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman Talmadge VideoHe served on U.S. senate and was a democrat. He was governor of Georgia in 1947 and again from 1948 to 1954. He helped with GA gov and a lot with public edu. He was not as helpful in military.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brain Pop VideoThis case began in Topeka Kansas where the local black school was not as good as the white school. Breaking the rules of seperate but equal. The supreme court unanamous ruling was seperate was not equal at least in the school system.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    No one could decide on the flag. There was a huge resistence to desegragation so to support segregation the georgia flag became the confederate flag.
  • SNCC

    This was the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. It was created to focus on helping blacks. James Forman one of the leaders at the time said " I don't know how much longer we can stay nonviolent.” In 1969 their name changed to the Student National Coordinating Committee. The commitee died during the 1970's.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March On Washington VideoThousands of Americans march to D.C. in one of the largest rallies in U.S, history. The day after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous speech I Have A Dream hoping for an end to segregation for all.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    It is a law that gets rid of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This act was signed in to law by the president at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson. The idea for this law was started by president John F. Kennedy. This law was then put in to action as a memory of John F. Kennedy's fight for desegragation.