1963 march on washington

Civil Rights Movement

  • Abraham Lincoln For President

    Abraham Lincoln For President
    Lincoln is elected as the 16th, first republican President to recieve 180 out of 303 electoral votes possible. Known as one of the geatest heros for America whe he preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves restoring peace and liberty. Until he was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865 leaving his beloved country in a time of need.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves who were in the confederacy.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    After a long battle lasting from July 1st-3rd the Confederates finally are defeated by the Union in Gettysburg, Pensylvania.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment is created and was passed by congress on January 31, 1865. Slavery is now abolished or so thought. Somehow the southern states were able to find a loophole by recreating slavery later calling it "black codes" until the First Civil Rights act abolished these codes.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan Video
    Founded iin Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866 it became the primary resource for the white resistance against black equality. Includng bombings, hangings, murders of black and white activists of the south.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment was passed granting protection to African Americans.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment is passed and African American men, even former slaves are given the right to vote. However, the south took it upon themselves to addition tests for the prviledge of voting such as a literacy test, poll taxes, etc. This would limit the African American population thier right to vote.
  • Civil Rights Act: The Third

    Civil Rights Act: The Third
    The Third Civil Rights act has been passeed for the sake of many white business owners not allowing the colored into their facilities. It eleminated some acts of discrimination and granted African Americans with equal access to public locations.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Founder of the Tuskegee Institute which was a black school in Alabama that was made to train young teachers.
    Mostly known for his passionfor intelligance and passing that intellect onto struggling African Americans.
  • Frances Perkins

    Appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt Perkins in 1933 she became the first woman to serve as a secretary of labor with extensive amounts of public service until 1945.
  • First State for Women

    First State for Women
    Colorado becomes the first state in America granting women the right to vote. Unlike getting the approval of a legislative they needed the support of men throughout the state for the women to be awarded with this right.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    On June 7, 1892 Plessy a 30 year old creole colored man was jailed for sitting in the white car of the train. Even though he had a light complexion he was still considered colored.
    In 1896, the Supreme Court heard of the case and called the Louisiana segregation constitutional to order to hold a case with a seven-man majority justice system.
    After Henry Brown wrote that our constitution is "color blind" the "seperate but equal" doctrine came to make colored facilities more equal.

    The National Assosication for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in New York by a multi-racial group. One of which being W.E.B. DuBois fighting for the renewance of political and civil justice for colored people.
  • 19th Amendment

    The Amendment was passed on June 4, 1919, but not ratified until August 18th of 1920. This Amenment guaruntees that all American Women can have the right to vote.
  • American Indian Citizen Act

    Before 1924 Indians had a tough time fitting in with the American system seeing as they were put on seperate reservations in the U.S nation. On June 2nd American Indians were granted American citizenship to all who were born in the United States.
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    Malcom X Video Born on May 19th, 1925, Malcom X was a important black nationalist leader who served for the purpose of ending racism by any mean necessary which meant including violence. He delivered many of speeches, but on his way to give a speech on February 21,1965 in Manhattan he was assassinated.
  • LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)

    Founded when hispanics were denied their equal rights and citizenship in America. It is an organization that empowers and encourages hispanics to contribute to American society.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    Also known as the Wheeler-Howard Act, was a decision made by congress to give indians more government power and responsibility for the return of indian citizens serving in World War 1.
  • CORE ( Congress of Racial Equality)

    CORE ( Congress of Racial Equality)
    Founded in 1942 for racial equality, CORE became one of the most largely known activists groups during the civil rights movement. The main reason the freedom riders were initiated.
  • Mendez. vs Westminster

    Preceding with the same arguments from the Brown vs. Board of May 15th 1954, Thurgood Marshall represented Sylvia Mendez and Linda Brown for the same reasoning.
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson Video On April 15th, 1947 Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American Major League Baseball player to step onto Ebbett field to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He then becomes known for "breaking the color barrier."
  • Delgado vs. Bastrop ISD

    LULAC filing against Bastrop ISD with Gustavo Garcia as their attorney representing Minerva Delgado for the discrimination against hispanics segregating them in seperate Texas schools. The segregation was taken down by September 1949.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Issued by Harry S. Truman for the equal opportunities and treatment in the Armed Forces.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Heman Marion Sweatt was denied the access to the University of Texas primarily because of his color. Once Sweatt went to the state to order his access University of Texas attempted in making seperate facilities for the colored.
  • Hernandez vs. Texas

    Pete Hernandez went to court over the fact that it came to mind that no one of mexican descent had served in a jury commissioner, grand juror, or petit juror.
    It wasnt until Pete Hernandez shot and killed Joe Espinosa and his trial began.
  • Emitt Till Murder

    Emitt Till Murder
    Emmett Till Video When a young boy was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi was accused of flirting with a white woman two men took him out of his home and beat him to death. They then tied him to a metal axel and threw his bloody body into a nearby lake where his body floated up 3 days later.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    A woman named Rosa Parks was riding the bus after a long day in the middle of the bus when it became full and she was asked to give up her seat for a white man. She refused for the purpose of being pushed around by white people. Martin Luther King then began a buss boycott that asked for no one to ride the busses to show that African Americans should be treated with the same respect.
  • United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

    United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
    Created in 1957 when the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was put into force to assure the constitutional rights of all Americans.
  • SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)

    SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
    Was created when 60 ministers and civil rights activts met in Atlanta, Georgia with Martin Luther King Jr. elected as their president. Main goals were to abolish legalized segregation in the south.
  • Orval Faubus

    Orval Faubus
    Governor of Arkansas sent National Guard to forbid school integreation until President Eisenhower forced him to agree with the desegregation laws.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law saying that the legislative will do everything in its power to protect and a federal commitment to protect the civil rights laws.
  • The Sit - In Movement

    The Sit - In Movement
    An event of the civil rights movement by several students who sat in restaurants and waited to be served peacefully. Even though, many were vandalized with ketchup and were often beaten their message did get put out and soon restaurants throughout the south got rid of their segregation policies.
  • SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinatiing Committee)

    SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinatiing Committee)
    Created for the purpose of giving young African Americans more of a voice in the civil rights movement.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    A group of 13 civil rights activists who took trips throughout the south of America to protest against segregation and integrate bus terminals.
  • Publishing of Feminine Mystique

    Publishing of Feminine Mystique
    Written by Betty Friedan to encourage housewives and mothers that their life was not being fullfilled and they were capable of so much more. Giving women of the 60's some sort of hope that they could get out and do what a man could do.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March on Washington Video
    More than 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington for a political march was a sacred event to bring light to the civil and political challenges that African Americans face. This is also where Martin Luther King Jr shared his famous "I have a dream" speech.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    Many programs established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to completely get rid of poverty and discrimination.
  • Congressional Bloc of Southern Democrats

    Congressional Bloc of Southern Democrats
    A group of southern democrats fighting against the rights for African Americans.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    War on poverty was introduced in Lyndon B. Johnson's "State of the Union" speech explaining how his main goal is to get rid of poverty all together.
  • 24th Amendment

    Before the 24th Amendment people had to pay a fee to vote thus being called a poll tax. However on January 23rd of 1964 the United States ratified the 24th Amendment prohibiting any poll taxes in elections.
  • Food Stamps

    Food Stamps
    Falling under SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) FSP was an idea to serve people who could not afford the necessary amounts of food. Orange and blue stamps were put into issue granting you what kind of food you could potentially buy.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 Video Based on the provision of equal job opportunities. The civil rights act of 1964 was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to forbid the racial or sex discrimination when hiring, firing, or promoting.
  • Affirmative Action

    Affirmative Action
    Must be taken to advance anyone with a disability, women, or minorities. It includes training programs for large companies.
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    Founded to give children an equal opportunity in early chilhood development from birth to age 5. Programs include help for social, mental, and emotional growth.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson when his attention was pointed towards the violence during the Selma march on March 7, 1965 when a group of peaceful participants were to march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery were beat, and tortured with tear gas from police. The act got rid of the use of literacy tests in order for to blacks to vote. This allowed no obstacles for an African American to vote.
  • Grape Boycott

    Grape Boycott
    Filipino agricultural grape workers and their leader Cesar Chavez who had ran a Latino Union went to the Delano area protesting that their pay was unfair for the amount of labor they were doing and that they had to work in crucial conditions. In order for their point to get noticed a number of people boycotted grapes.
  • NOW (National Organization for Women)

    An organization that was created to demand women rights and get rid of any gender discrimination.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    Founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to start an organization for self defense. Practices included militant defenses for minorities and to establish equal political, social, and economic rights.
  • Fair Housing Act of 1968

    Fair Housing Act of 1968
    Fair Housing Act Video
    Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson stating that no discrimination will occur when saling, renting or financing houses.
    This Act later created HUD which was a program for housing and urban development.
  • Assasisnation of Martin Luther King Jr

    Assasisnation of Martin Luther King Jr
    On the night of April 14th Martin Luther stood on the second floor balcony of his motel in Memphis, Tennesee when James Earl Ray shot and murdered the King. He was pronounced dead at 7:05 pm at St. Joseph hospital. James was sentenced 99 years in the penitentary.
  • AIM (American Indian Movement)

    AIM (American Indian Movement)
    Founded in Minneapolis by Dennis Banks to create an organization that would help indians who were pushed out of reservations and could not be pulled out of the Urban ghettos.
  • Tinker vs. DesMoines

    Mary Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt, students in DesMoines planned on showing their support for the truce in the vietnam war by wearing black armbands. Once the principal found out of this plan they immediately made a policy that would not allow anyone to wear a armband. When Tinker and Eckhardt came to school and refused to take it off they were suspended.
  • Period: to

    Siezure of Alcatraz Island

    American Indians boarded boats in California to ride over to Alcatraz to say that they discovered the island and demand the U.S federal governement to fund for a reservation and University.
  • La Raza Unida

    La Raza Unida
    At a meeting of 300 Mexican-Americans its main establishment was to build greater, economic, social, and political rights to hispanics.
  • Wisconsin vs. Yoder

    Wisconsin vs. Yoder
    Jonas Yoder, a participant under the Amish Religion was prosecuted by the state of Wisconsin when yoder refused to send his children to high school because it was against their religion.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Leader of Equal Rights Amendment was Phylis Schlafely who led women to present the 27th amendment to congress for ratificatio so women could have complete equal rights along side men.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    A federal law that was put into place to prohibit any discrimination against a sex that will not allow them participate in any activity or educational program.
  • White vs. Regester

    White vs. Regester
    The Supreme Court ruled that the 1970 apportionate was unconstitutional for the discrimination against racial and ethnic groups.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    Born in El Paso, Texas in 1930 she becomes the first woman in the Supreme Court Justice in 1981.
  • Edgewood ISD vs. Kirby

    Edgewood ISD vs. Kirby
    Edgewood ISD filed a lawsuit against education commissioner William Kirby for the discrimination against poor students in a number of school districts.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    The first African American democrat to be elected and serve two terms as the 44th president of the United States.
  • Sonia Sotomayor

    Sonia Sotomayor
    Born on June 25, 1954 and after graduating from Yale Univaersity she was apointed by Barack Obama to become the first Latina woman to serve in the Supreme Court Justice.
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace
    An Alabama governor who ran for segration rights for the states with the support of Ku Klux Klan.