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Civil Rights Movement 1954-1968

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas
    This court case was surrounded by segregation in the states of South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, and Washington D.C. and if Segregation violated the 14th Amendment and the equal protection clause. The Court Ruled that it was unconstitutional and violated the Equal Protection Clause.
  • Emmett Till Murder

    Emmett Till Murder
    Emmett Till was a 14 year old African American boy who was accused of whistling at a white woman, he was then kidnapped and brutally murdered by his accusers husband and brother in law. The case was taken to court and the court ruled the two men were innocent in 61 minutes.
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Was a protest that sparked from Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat, was a 13 month protest where African Americans refused to ride city buses as a protest against segregated seating, ended with supreme court ruling that the segregation on buses was unconstitutional.
  • The Little Rock Nine and Integration

    The Little Rock Nine and Integration
    A group of Nine African Americans who were the first to attend an all white school, during their integration multiple protests were held in front of the school harassing the Nine Students every day to the point where the 101st Airborne had to protect them.
  • Greensboro Woolworth's Sit-ins

    Greensboro Woolworth's Sit-ins
    Protests that sparked from a young African American male who sat inside a segregated place and refused to leave peacefully, these peaceful protests sparked and mainly took place in woolworth store and led to the stores ending racial segregation.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Protests that involved civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into segregated states to protest southern states who refused to stop segregating buses despite the fact in was ruled unconstitutional a year before.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    The 24th Amendment was passed to outlaw poll tax as a voting requirement in federal elections.
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail

    Letter From Birmingham Jail
    Written by Martin Luther King while he was imprisoned saying that people have "moral responsibility to break unjust laws" the letter was written during the Birmingham campaign.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    August 28th 1963 around a quarter of a million people rallied and demanded an end to all forms of segregation and discrimination against African American people.
  • Birmingham Baptist Church Bombing

    Birmingham Baptist Church Bombing
    The Bombing was a terrorist attack from white supremacists, and the church was a big place to the African American community in Birmingham, the bombing killed 4 girls.
  • Civil Rights Act 1964

    Civil Rights Act 1964
    A public law passed by congress prohibiting discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or natural origin.