First documented african slaves arrive in Jamestown on a dutch ship
They were from the kingdom of Ndongo in Angola, west central africa, and had been taken during war with the portugese. -
Massachussetts becomes the first colony to recognize slavery as a legal institution
The King of England encourages the expasion of the British Slave trade as the new charter of the Royal African Company
As the new charter of the Royal African Company, King Charles the second -
The New York Slave revolt of 1712, one of the first of many rebellions
North Carolina slaves gather at the Stono river to plan an armed march for freedom
Founding of the Pennsylvania Soceity for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery the worlds first anislavery society
Northwest ordinance bans slavery in the new terriorty surrendered by Virginia
Parliament outlaws British participation in the African Slave Trade
A slave by the name of Josiah Henson becomes the inspiration for the book Uncle Tom's Cabin
Congress passes the Fugitive Slave act of 1850 which allows any fedeal offical to arrest anyone whos suspected to be a runaway slave
The Ku Klux Klan was formed, a manifest hate group made to enforce white supremacy
The supreme court strikes down the Civil Rights of 1875 as unconstituional