civil rights movement

  • Brown v. board of education

    Brown v. board of education
    This event is important,because it was when the Supreme Court decided the segregated schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment. They decided to desegregate schools.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks was arrested because she didn't give up her seat to a white person. This sparked an outrage to the African Americans, this started a boycott on Montgomery buses.
  • Little Rock high integration

    Little Rock high integration
    Nine black students are escorted by federal troops sent by President Eisenhower into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. They would become the first black students to attend Central High School.
  • Greensboro sit-ins

    Greensboro sit-ins
    Four black students at A&T University sat down at F&W lunch counter. They sat there until they were served, this started many sit-ins all over the country. They were finally severed six months later.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Theses people were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into southern states to get the supreme court to enforce the south to desegregate the buses.
  • Integration of the University of Alabama

    Integration of the University of Alabama
    Two black students try to enroll into the University of Alabama,but they are blocked by Governor George Wallace who is standing at the door,not letting them in. President John F. Kennedy federalize the Alabama National Guard.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    250,000 people gathered to march at Washington D.C.. This is where Dr.King said his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. This moment in history goes down as one of the greatest speeches ever.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act that abolished the "Jim Crow" laws. It also said that segregated schools were illegal along with housing and hiring.
  • Selma to Montgomery Marches

    Selma to Montgomery Marches
    People gathered at Selma to march to Montgomery to get voting rights. Police were waiting for them and they were beaten with clubs and bullwhips. That event is known as bloody Sunday.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Congress signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965,which granted equal rights to vote without being discriminated against. The African Americans finally were satisfied.