
Civil Rights Movement

  • Period: to

    "The Flying Forties"

    This is the 1940's decade.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Truman Library - Executive Order 9981Following this federal order, the Armed Forces were now desegregated, and allowed for African-Americans to receive fair and equal treatment.
  • Period: to

    The Fabulous Fifties

    This is the 1950's decade.
  • Hernandez v. Texas

    Hernandez v. Texas
    HERNANDEZ V. STATE OF TEXASThis ruling favored the 14th Admendment in the context of defending racial groups beyond that of Caucasian and African-American.
  • Integration in the education system

    Integration in the education system
    Bolling v. Sharpe | CasebriefsBrown v Board of Education National Historic SiteBoth cases led to the desegration of the schooling system and overthrew the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.
  • Executive Order 10590

    NTEU Black History Month:Executive OrdersWith this federal ruling, Dwight D. Eisenhower made sure that racial groups could not be discriminated in a work environment.
  • Racist Georgia

    Georgia Board of Education fires hundreds of teachers supporting education integration.
  • Georgia won't be prgoressive.

    All Black Teaching members of the NAACP are fired by Georgia's Board of Education.
  • Rosa Park's Bravery

    Rosa Park's Bravery
    Rosa Parks Bus - The Story Behind the BusRosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus, thus igniting the year-long bus boycott.
  • The conflict about integration.

    Governors of Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia agree to block integration of schools.
  • Florida & Boycotts

    Florida & Boycotts
  • Founding of the ACMHR

    Founding of the ACMHR
    The Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights is created in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • Period: to

    The Swinging Sixties

    This is the 1960's decade.
  • MLK meets Senator John F. Kennedy


    www.nps.gov/nhl/themes/Public Accom.pdfSegregated transportation facilities is ruled unconstitutional by U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Religion is in the cross-streams of hate.

    Two black churches used by SNCC for voter registration meetings are burned in Sasser, Georgia.
  • Executive Order 11063

    Executive Order 11063
    JFK personally desegrated Government Funded Housing.
  • Letter From Birmingham

    Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]King's Letter from Birmingham Jail is completed.

    JFK / The Kennedy Assassination Home PagePresident Kennedy is assassinated.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Discrimination in a workplace could not be made from color, race, ethnicity, or relgion of that individual.

    Martin Luther King Jr. - BiographyMartin Luther King, Jr. is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his active duty in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Malcom X no more

    Malcolm X is shot to death in Manhattan, New York, supposedly by the Nation of Islam!
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Our Documents - Voting Rights Act (1965)Signed by Lyndon B. Johnson, this took away literacy test, poll taxes, and other forms and means of restrictions in voting for racial minorities.
  • The Detroit riot.

    The Detroit Riots of 1967: EventsThe Detroit riot erupts in Detroit, Michigan, unnecessarily killing, injuring, and arresting many individuals, for their celebration for the returning Vietnam Veterans. The cause of this is the club's non-lincenseship.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King JrDr. Martin Luther King is shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray.