civil rights movement

By zzol
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    its a court case thhat a white man with a little black blood in him sat in the front part of the train which are for white people because the back was for the african americans
  • brown v. board of education

    is a court case that dealt with the schools that did not let african american and white children go to the same school because it was considdered unconstitutonal.
  • Emmett Till is murdered

    its was a murder cas about 16 year old emmett till that was killed because he wissled to a white lady in a store
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    is the effect after rosa parks was jailed for sitting in the front part of the bus and then all african americans all stoped riding busses
  • Little Rock School desegregation

    it is when little rock arkensaw has integratted schools and there were only six black studentts and that they had to have their own military guard because they wern't safe if they went without one
  • Sit-ins in Greensboro/Nashville

    is when a group of college kids all sat in dinners on white peoples seats and did not cause any violence
  • March on Birmingham

    is when children were used in marches in alabama instead of parents because the children will only miss school and if the parents did they would loose their jobs
  • March on washington

    a march that was led by dr martin luther king that wet from the washington monument to the lincoln memorial to give speeches and to het blacks the same rights that whites had
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    it is illigal to discrimminate bassed on ethnic religion and race
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    is a law that gave african americans the right to vote this was put into place a year after he had sighned the civil rights movement of 1964
  • Martin Luther King Assassinated

    he was assassinATED BY JAMES EARL RAY