Brown vs. Board of Education
A young girl named Linda Brown had to walk a very long time to get to school when there was an all white school she had been discriminated from only a block away. Upset her father went to Court and got the ruling that she would be able to attend the all white school. -
Rosa Parks
An African American seamstress who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus and was arrested. This started the MIA and is considered the spark of the civil rights movement. -
SCLC Is Formed
After the Montgomery Bus Boycott there was a meeting in Atlanta. The Montgomery Improvement Association was transformed into the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which was an African American church Organization that was in place to end discrimination. They would not use violence in their protests, even when others attacked. Martin Luther King called this "the forces of hate with the power of love." -
Little Rock Nine
The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American people who after Brown vs, The Board of Education were admitted into an all white Central High School in Arkansas. The national guard was called to prevent them from entering the school, but three weeks later they were walking the halls with police protection. One girl by the name of Melba Pattillo not only had acid thrown at her, but was also locked in a girls restroom where a group of white girls attempted to burn her alive. -
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Dedicated student activists who went around the South to end discrimination. -
James Meredith
He was an African American man who woth the help of the NAACP got a court order forcing the University of Mississippi to enroll him. A riot started because of this and two people were killed. With protection of armed guards he was able to attend school. -
Letter to Birmingham Jail
Letter that Martin Luther King wrote while he was in jail for a sit-in. This was written to religious leaders that wanted him to slow down his riots. -
"I Have A Dream"
Civil Rights Activist Martin Luther King Jr. delivered this speech on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. In this speech he informed the listeners that segregation must come to an end. The examples of segregation he gave included "whites only" signs, police brutality, colored children not being able to be friends, not being able to jail together, and so on. -
JFK Assassinated
JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas. -
24th Amendment
It banned the payment of poll taxes as a condition for voting in federal elections. It did not apply to state elections. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This act banned the discrimination in the job industry based on color, religion, race, sex, or national origin. It also outlawed discimination in public placed and gave the Justice Department the power to bring lawsuits to enforce school desegregation. -
Freedom Summer
The SNCC began gaining volunteers on a college campuses in the North. -
CORE Members Disappear
Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner disappeared while in Mississippi. This was believe to have the KKK involved. -
Malcolm X Assassinated
Malcom X was assassinated by 3 muslim men in New York City. -
March on Selma
In Selma, Alabama African Americans tried to register at the election commission headquarters. Because of this they were beaten and arrested. Civil rights people began a protest walking 54 miles. Police attacked attacked the people involved. -
Watts Riots
Black Panthers
Bobby Seale and Huey Newton created a this. It declared, “Black people will not be free until we are free to determine our own destiny.” It called for “land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace” for African Americans. -
Detroit Riot
This was the worst riot. 43 people died, 1,189 people were injured, and over 7,000 were arrested. -
MLK Jr. Assassinated
Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a sniper in Memphis, Tennessee. He was rushed to the St. Josephs hospital where doctors manually massaged his heart, but he never woke up. He was pronounced dead at 7:05 pm.