Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    On this day the US Supreme Court ruled school segregation unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of the bus.

    Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of the bus.
    In Montgomery, Alabama Rosa Parks will not move to the back of a bus on her way home from work. This results in boycotts and the eventual ruling that public transportation segregation is unconstitutional.
  • Southern Congressman Oppositions

    Southern Congressman were not happy with the decisions of desegregation by the Supreme Court. So many laws were not being honored.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The NAACP organized a plan to send nine well qualified students to a previously all white Central Highschool in Little Rock Arkansas. The Governor of Arkansas tried to block the students, only to be overruled by President Eisenhower. The Nine Entered unharmed.
  • Sit ins, in Greensboro

    Four Black College Students start sit ins at a local restaurant where Black patrons are not served.
  • Watered down Voting Rights

    Congress approved a watered down voting rights for African Americans. This was the result of a filibuster by Southern Senators.
  • Freedom Riders first march

    The Freedom Riders conducted multiple marches during the civil rights movement. Their first March went from Washington D.C. Into the Southern states.
  • Supreme Court on Public Transportation

    In 1962 the supreme court ruled it illegal and unconstitutional in all situations and states to segregate any kind of public transportation.
  • Integration of Military

    The department of defense orders the full integration of military. Except for the national guard.
  • Mississipi State College

    President Kennedy sends troops to Mississipi to quell riots. These riots were the result of a Black student trying to enroll in the University.
  • Medger Evers is Assassinated

    The Civil rights leader Medger Evers is killed by a snipers bullet. He was shot in the driveway of his own home, holding NAACP t-shirts in hand.
  • I have a Dream

    Martin Luther King delivers his famous speech to hundreds of thousands during the march on Washington. One of the most famous speeches ever delivered.
  • Church Bombing in Birmingham

    The Bombing of a Church in Birmingham Alabama leaves four black girls dead. It was done during church services.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act made all kinds of injustices based on race illegal. This act was passed after a 75 day long filibuster
  • Malcom X is Assassinated

    Malcom X a civil rights activist and muslim minister was assasinated in New York City.
  • New Voting Rights act Passed

    Congress passes another voting rights piece of legislation bettering the voting conditions for black citizens
  • Martin Luther Kings Assassination

    Martin Luther king is assassinated by a sniper while staying in a hotel in Memphis tennessee. The March of the poor which was planned by doctor king is carried out succesfully after his death.