Civil Rights Moment

  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    A huge case regarding racial discrimination in public city areas and work places.
  • Formation of the NAACP

    Formation of the NAACP
    This is the most important and largest and strongest black civil rights groups that did a lot for getting the ball rolling in the community. Derrick Johnson is the CEO right now for the group.
  • The Congress of Racial Equality is formed

    The Congress of Racial Equality is formed
    One of the biggest and first African American civil rights organizations in the United States. The leader of it today is Niger Innis. They have branched out past just racial things and into other social issues.
  • Desegregation of the military

    Desegregation of the military
    President Truman singed the bill that made the United States military not segregated and made the troops a unified force and not kept in separate in areas and squads.
  • Malcolm X begins leading the Nation of Islam

    Malcolm X begins leading the Nation of Islam
    Malcolm X went on a giant evangulization mission to convert as many people as possible to Islam and also fought for the rights of black people through more violent means then other protesters.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The court case was huge, this took away segregation from the school systems in Topeka. The person that had a huge roll in this was Linda Brown.
  • The Murder of Emmett Till

    The Murder of Emmett Till
    This is a case on the murder of a 14 year old black kid from Chicago that went down south to visit people and fell victim to a racial attack and was killed.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Bus Boycott was when all of the black people in Montgomery stopped using the buses in the city and walked everywhere due to the poor treatment of their race on the public transport systems in the city.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This was when all racial discrimination in voting was gone and everyones voted was valued at the same amount and no one 3/5s.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed
    This was the group that Martin Luther King had a huge influence and part in. Being a christian organization rather than an Islamic one made this one a bit different and they were more peaceful unlike Malcolm X.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The first nine black kids to go to a white high school. There was a huge media following for this story and there was military escorts into schools for these kids.
  • Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee is formed

    Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee is formed
    Ella Barker was the founder of this group that fought for the rights of minority students in schools and for better race relations on campus too.
  • The Strategy of Sit-Ins

    The Strategy of Sit-Ins
    It wasn't till the 60s where this movement took a really strong lead in the eyes of the public. The sit ins were young black students sitting at the counters of restaurants because you aren't allowed to sit at the counter if you were black,
  • The Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders
    These were the black people who rode on segregated buses in southern america and refused to move for other people. Fred Shutlesworth stated this movement.
  • Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a Dream” Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a Dream” Speech
    The I have a dream speech was a critical moment in the civil rights movement. Used as the flag ship and most quoted speech of the whole movement.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    This was an event in Mississippi over the summer of 1964 to get as many blacks registered as voters. This was a volunteer campaign
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This is when the Labor Laws were passed and made it not ok to discriminate against people because of color or gender or religion in the work place but it doesn't mean that it made people stop just made it punishable.
  • Race Riots in Watts and other cities

    Race Riots in Watts and other cities
    The riots in the Watts area of Los Angeles were due to police targeting/brutality against the black community. It was the city's worst riots sense the King riots.
  • Martin Luther King’s assassination

    Martin Luther King’s assassination
    Martin Luther King was shot and killed by James Earl Ray in a hotel.
  • Boston Busing

    Boston Busing
    The Boston Busing was the desegregation of the bus and school systems of Boston public schools and these schools were controlled by the court at the time.
  • Rodney King Trial

    Rodney King Trial
    Rodney King was beaten with extreme force by the white cops in the LAPD and the men who beat him were let off with little to no punishment and there was a huge outrage among the black community.