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Montgomery Bus Boycott
A protest led by Martin Luther King Jr. against segregation in public facilities in Alabama. The Supreme Court claimed that public school segregation was unconstitutional. -
Student Non-violent Coordinating committee
This group started by 4 students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College to stop segregation in the lunch room. Inspired by these students a student at Shaw University started a direct action protest which created SNCC. -
Restaurant Sit-in
A sit-in at Rich's in Atlanta, MLK jr. and 51 protesters were charged with trespassing. King had probation for driving without a valid license in Georgia, so the judge gave him 4 months of labour. Robert Kennedy fought for King's bail so African Americans supported John F. Kennedy. -
Freedom Riders
In 2 separate groups a mob throws a firebombs on the bus the Anniston groups is riding. then the KKK attacked the second group that was allowed by the police for 15 minutes. -
University of Mississippi
Rules made by the Supreme Court that the University of Mississippi to allow African American students. -
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Birmingham Campaign
A movement by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to show the integration of African Americans. The protest was shown through the media which forced desegregation in Birmingham.