
Civil Rights in the United States

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    Civil Rights Sit-in's

    Non violent protests on shops and resturants that discriminated against African Americans. These often ended in beatings of Blacks by Whites
  • Emmit Till is murderd

    Emmit Till is murderd
    Emmit Till, a 14 year old African American boy is drug out of the home he is visiting and killed. This helps spark the Civil Rights Movement
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgumery Bus Boycott lasted over a year, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to go to the back of a bus as directed by the driver. The Boycott ended with the end of Bus discrimination in Montgumery
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    After the Brown v Board discision to end segrigation in Schools, 9 African American students attempted to go to Little Rock Central High School. Faced by an angry mob, Eisenhower sent in the Nation Gaurd to escort the students to school, and uphold the Brown v Board verdict. Central high becomes the first interracial school
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Two buses filled with African American and White students Departed from Washington to arive in New Orleans through the deep south to protest discrimination of African Americans. Along the way all of the Students were beaten and one bus was burned, yet no one was killed. This shows the skope of the racism in the deep south
  • MLK is arrested

    MLK is arrested
    Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested following a non violent protest in Burmingham Alabama. The letter he wrote from jail was one of his most famous moments
  • The Children's March

    The Children's  March
    Video of Childrens MarchMore than 1000 Alabama School Children skipped School to be arrested to fill up the Jails in Burmingham and protest segregation
  • 16th Street Batptist Church Bombing

    16th Street Batptist Church Bombing
    4 African Amercian girls are killed when a bomb explodes inside a church in Burmingham Alabama. The bomb was planted by the KKK.
  • Mississippi Burning

    Mississippi Burning
    Three people, one African American man and two white men were in a car when they were drug out by white supremisists, tourtured, burned, and killed. The killers were not convicted
  • Freedom March

    Freedom March
    Thousands of people marched to the Alabama Capitol Building protesting discrimination from Selma. This is one of the most famous marches during the Civil Rights Movement.