Image #1
African Ameican's in a field -
Period: to
Timeline of Civil Rights Images
A timeline of images depicting the change in civil rights in America -
Image #2
Plessy V. Furgeson - Ruled that segregation laws did not violate the US Constitution -
Image #3
Booker T. Washington - African American Civil Rights leader and educator. -
Image #4
Booker T. Washington and Teddy Roosevelt -
Image #5
W.E.B Dubois - African American sociologist and member of the NAACP -
Image #7
Hanged man - Image shows the brutality African American's faced post-civil war and into the 20th century -
Image #6
Map of The Great Migration - The movement of millions of African American people from the Southern USA into the North and Midwest. -
Image #8
Boxing -
Image #10
Red Summer Map - SHows the increase in race riots/acts of racial violence during the summer of 1919 -
Image #9
Chicago Riots - Newspaper headline from the 1919 Chicago race riots -
Image #13
The KKK -
Image #11
Marcus Garvey - Jamician political activist -
Image #12
Louis Armstrong's Hot Five -
Image #14
I'm not sure who is pictured here -
Image #15
A Sit-In? -
Image #16
Eleanor Roosevelt and Marian Anderson - Marian was the first African American women to perform at the White House -
Image #17
Integrated Pilots -
Image #18
Morgan V. Virginia - Made it illegal to segregate Virginia interstate busses. -
Image #19
FDR shakes hands with an African American war vet -
Image #20
Jackie Robinson - The first African American to integrate major league baseball.