Civil Rights History

By 19gillk
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    A series of colored people silently protesting by holding a seat for the white people, which could earn them a penalty in law. Such incidents like Rosa Park led to decreased bus fares, gaining attention and causing some civil unrest.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Black people argue for equal rights in education and brought it up to the Supreme Court. Which then is followed by Little Rock Nine.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    These laws started separating colored and white people, limiting rights on seats, places to eat, and even washrooms. It aims to segregate people. Despite being made in the 19th century, it still affects people at this time period.
  • Bloody Sunday

    During the bus boycotts and riots, there was an incident where the protestors where assaulted, and it was then named Bloody Sunday for its gruesome aftermath. They were viciously beaten after being stopped by the police. Both sides suffered casualties. Later, with King's speech, he encourages a nonviolent approach.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    President Eisenhower signed an Act which allowed everyone to vote, without restriction or hindering. Everyone was allowed to vote, but it was still hard from black people due to many tests to stop them from being able to. With this, it at least shows the president is with the desegregation movement.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Several black people attempt to go to school, and they were met with angry crowds, harassment, and violence. Eventually, they were given guards by Eisenhower to protect them on their way to school. It brought a lot of attention to people, about the nature of segregation and the influence it has on people.
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    A protest on segregation in places that would not serve blacks or separated them. They protest by sitting until they are served. This either ended with the owners giving in, or some sort of fight breaking out due to people being unhappy with this sort of usurping nature.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Around the time, people called the freedom riders have carried on with protests, riding on vehicles and hanging signs against segregation.
  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream
    Speech from Martin Luther King regarding Civil Rights called "I Have a Dream"
    Huge impact on the people, it bolstered spirits and made some change their perception.
  • Martin Luther King Assasination

    The fall of a prominent Civil Rights Movement figure caused a lot of violent responses. People angry were rioting and wreaking havoc due to this. It was quite the negative impact on the movement, and many were upset over this loss.