Civil rights events

By amb3r
  • The death of Emmit Till

    The death of Emmit Till
    On August 24, 1955 14 year old Emmet Till flirted with a white woman. The woman had told her husband and four days latter the husband and his brother in law kidnapped Emmet Till and tourterd him. They punched, whipped, and shot him before drowning his body in a lake. Emmit Tills mother held an open casket so everyone in America could see the racial discrimination that was going on and what horrific event had happened to her son.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa’s Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery Alabama. This led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The boycott eventually led to a ruling the declared segregation unconstitutional.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    The Montgomery bus boycott was a civil rights protest. African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery Alabama, protesting segregated seating.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    A group of 9 black students who enrolled formally at an all white school. Their attendance at the school was a test of Brown v.s Board of education, a Supreme Court ruling that said segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. On September 4 1957 , the first day at Central High Governor Oval Faubus called in the National guard to block the black students from entering. President Eisenhower sent in federal troops to escort Little Rock 9 into the school.
  • J.F.K assasination

    J.F.K assasination
    John F Kennedy was shot as he rode through Dallas Texas on a motorcade. Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible for this shooting. After J.F.K had passed President Johnson had followed in his footsteps of the civil rights act and sought to end segregation and discrimination.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    Jhon Lewis was the leader of this march. He and other black Americans walked through Selma to the court to get their voting rights. At the end of the bridge they were met with sheriffs. Some were on horses, others had clubs and gas’s masks. The sheriffs attacked them when they were unarmed. This brought attention to the struggle of getting the voting rights act passed. This march led to the passing of the voting rights act in 1965
  • March on Birmingham

    March on Birmingham
    Martin Luther King Jr took kids and walked them out of a church and marched on the streets of Birmingham there they were met with the police force who hosed them and had dogs attacking them.
  • M.L.K march on Washington

    M.L.K march on Washington
    On August 28 1963 more than a quarter million people participated in the March on Washington. This march was for jobs and freedom. Here Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous “I have a dream speech.” The March on Washington was a success and latter led to the civil rights act and the voting rights act of 1965.
  • M.L.K assasination

    M.L.K assasination
    Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee April, 4, 1968. After his death there was a widespread of riots and civil rights unrests erupted across America
  • The murder of George Floyd

    The murder of George Floyd
    George Floyd was killed on May 25 2020 after police officer Derek Chauvin held his knee on his neck for over 9 minutes. George Floyd repeatedly said “I can’t breathe” but the officer didn't remove his knee. His death sparked global protests. People were fighting for justice and police reform.