civil rights events

  • Brown vs. Board of Education Case

    Brown vs. Board of Education Case
    The Brown vs. Board case was a series of courrt cases which led up to this case. The case took place in Topeka,Kansas. The court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities was the Plessy vs. Ferguson case which was a simalar case. The result of the Brown vs. Board case was ruledd thta it was unconstitional and schools will no longer be segregated.
  • Rev. George Lee was killed

    Belzonl, Mississippi
  • Lamar Smith was mudered

    Brookhaven, Mississippi
  • Emmett Louis Till was mudered

    Money, Mississippi
  • John Earl Reese was slain

  • Rosa Parks was arrested

    Rosa Parks was arrested
    42 year old Rosa Parks was coming home from work. She sat in the middle of the bus however when it was full she and three others had to move for a white man to sit down. unlike the three others, Parks refused and was arrested. This soon caused spontanious events in the city.This took place in Montegomery, Alabama
  • Start of the Montgomery bus boycott

  • The supreme court bans segregated seating on Montgomery buses

  • Willie Edwards Jr. was killed by klansmen

  • Civil Rights Act passed

    Civil Rights Act passed
    This act was signed by President Eisenhower to protect civil rights and supported black voters.
  • Events of Little Rock, Arkansas

    Events of Little Rock, Arkansas
    Govenor Faubus of Arkansas stopped black students from attending a high school. The Govenor sent in the Arkansas National Guard to prevent any african-american students from coming in to the school. The President soon took action and removed the national guard. However, when the black students entered the school riots erupted. The President sent in American troops under his order to bring the city back to peace.
  • Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched.

  • Black students go to a white-only lunch counter.

    Greenbero, North Carolina
  • Supreme Court outlaws segregation on buses

  • Freedom Riders of Alabama.

    Freedom Riders of Alabama.
    The freedom riders were a group of civil rights activists who protested in Alabama. They were helped by the CORE orginization and were a mixed group of blacks and whites.
  • Herbert Lee a voter registration worker was killed by a white.

  • Civil Rights groups get together to launch voter registration drive

  • Roman Ducksworth Jr. taken by bus and killed by police

    Taylorsville, Mississippi
  • Black student James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss

    Black student James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
    When Meredith tried to enroll at Ole Miss, huge riots erupted and many people were injured. President Kennedy had to send in the national guard to break it up.
  • Paul Guihard, a french reporter was killed during Ole Miss riot

    Oxford, Mississippi
  • William Lewis Moore was slain during a march againist segregation

    Attalia, Alabama
  • Marching children were attacked by Birmingham police

    Birmingham, Alabama
  • George Wallace, govenor of Alabama wants to stop university intergration

  • Medgar Evers assassinated

    Medgar Evers assassinated
    Medgar Evers was an african-american civil rights leader. He also fought in WW2. He fought for his rights but received many threats. He was soon shot in his own driveway.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was a protest for better jobs and more freedom for african-americans. The famous "I Have A Dream" speech was delievered in the Washington March as well.
  • Four schoolgirls killed in church bombing.

    Birmingham, Alabama
  • Virgil Lamar Ware was killed during racial violence

    Birmingham, Alabama
  • Poll tax outlawed in federal elections

  • Louis Allen witnesses murder of civil righs worker

    Liberty, Mississippi
  • Bruce Kilunder killed while protesteing the builing of a segregated school

    Clevland, Ohio
  • Two men killed by klansmen

    Henry Hezekiah Oee
    Charles Eddie Moore Meadville, Mississippi
  • Freedom Summer brings many young civil rights volunteers to Mississippi

  • Three workers abducted and slain by klansmen

    Philadelphia, Mississippi
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This law was passed by President Lyndon Johnson, this law banned any discrimination in the workplace.
  • Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn was killed by klansmen driving.

    Colbert, Georgia
  • Jimmie Lee Jackson, a civil rights marcher was killed by state trooper

    Marion, Alabama
  • State troopers beat back marchers who were at the Edmund Pettus Bridge

    Selma, Alabama
  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    The march to Selma was an organized march led by civil rights comittees. Many were killed or brutally injured during the march as many police officers pushed them back. The March took off two more times to finally keep it peaceful.
  • Viola Liuzzo killed by klansmen while transporting marchers

    Selma Highway, Alabama
  • Black Deputy, Oneal Moore killed by nightriders

    Varnado, Louisiana
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed by Congress

  • Willie Brewster killed by nightriders

  • Seminary student killed by deputy

  • Student Civil Rights activist killed in a dispute

  • Black community leaader, Vernon Dahmer killed in klan boming

  • Ben Chester White killed by klansmen

  • Clarence Triggs slain by nightriders

  • Wharlest Jackson Civil rights leader killed after getting a 'white' job

  • Civil rights worker killed by police

  • Thurgood Marshall is the 1st black in Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall is the 1st black in Supreme Court
    Before becoming part of the court, Thurgood was a lawyer. I feel this was amonumental event because he was the first to ever do it.
  • Students killed by highway patrol men shooting at protestors

  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader. On April 4th 1968 he was killed in a hotel. Earlier, he came to Memphis to help with the civil right. He was receiving threats. His death had an impact on all Americans because he was such a hero and so brave.