The end of the white primary in Georgia
Only whites were allowed to vote in primary election.The whites didn't want blacks to vote because if the black votes the more power they get. They ended the white primary so whites and blacks can vote equaly. -
The 1946 governor 's race
The 1946 -
Brown v.s Board of Eucation
The brown wanted to atennd thery're child in a white school. They decided that school should be desegregrated.The supreme court deniedequal opportunity to all groups. -
The founding of SNCC
SNCC stands for Student Non-violent Cooridating Commite. SNCC was a group that encourage young people to join the fight for civil rights by for using non-violence and direct action.Standing, sitting,marching ingroups are all forms of non-violent action. -
The admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter into UGA
Hamilton Holmes and Charlyne were the 1st african american to admitted the University of Georgia. Protests and riots by white students who were opposed to the university's desegregation resulted in a temporary suspension for Hunter and Holmes, but the two soon returned to campus after a series of court orders and began their studies. Both graduated in 1963. -
The Albany movement
The Albanymovement is an attempt to desegregrate th town of Albany. Six years aafter 'Brown'they still hadn't desegregate. SNCC members along with MLK Jr. were arrested for their action. Freedom riders cmae from all over the U.S to help protest.