Civil Rights

  • plessy vs Fergurson

    Court case that legalized racism separate but equal. The law stated segregation was ok if facilities were equal.

  • Race Riots

    African Americans and European immigrants were rioting for jobs in the crowded city.
  • Brown vs board of education of topkea

    Court case that stated separate schools for white and black students was unconstitutional. Over ruled the plessy vs Ferguson case.
  • Thutgood Marshall

    Lawyer for Brown vs Board of eduaction
  • De jure vs De facto segregation

    De facto existed because of voluntary associations and neighborhoods. De jure was local laws
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Started the movement when he was lynched at the young age of 14
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    The boycott by African Americans for public buses. Started on Rosa Parks court hearing lasted 381 days.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Refused to move on a bus starting the Montgomery bus boycott
  • Dr Martian Luther King jr.

    Leader of the Montgomery bus boycott
  • little rock school integration

    nine African american students enrolled at little rock high school. National guard brought in to protect students.
  • The Sit-ins

    Four African Americans sat at Woolworth lunch counter. No service was given forced to leave.
  • Malcolm x

    Malcolm x
    An African American spokes person for the Nation of Islam who believed in black power.
  • Freedom Rides

    Thirteen African Americans and white civil rights activist went on bus trips across the the south to protest segregation
  • March on Birmingham

    Groups of African american and civil right movement activist did peaceful protest to end racial tensions and segregation.
  • March on Washington

    One of largest political rallies in U.S history and demanded civil and economic rights for African Americans.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    This ended all racial segregation based on color,race,religion and origin.
  • March from Selma to Montgomery for voting rights

    African Americans and voting right activist walked the 54 mile-highway to show the their constitutional right to vote
  • voting right act of 1965

    President Lyndon Johnson in acted this law to overcome racial barriers. This law allowed all African Americans to vote.
  • Black Panther Party

  • 24th amendment

    People no longer had to pay a tax to vote.