Civil Rights

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    A case that involved a 7 year old African American girl whose entry was denied in Topeka, Kansas when she tries to attend a segregated school. When the board of education denied her entry, Mr. Brown sued them with the help of Thurgood Marshall. Segregated schools began to integrate later on because of Linda Brown.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This boycott started all because Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. The goal was to get all blacks off of public buses because they knew that sooner or later the buses would have to go out of business or integrate. The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted for 381 days (1 year and 16
  • Formation of SCLC

    Formation of SCLC
    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was formed basically because of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The major goal of the SCLC was to advance the cause of civil rights in a non-violent approach. The leaders of this organization were: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King,Andrew Young, Ralph Abernathy.
  • Formation of SNCC

    Formation of SNCC
    The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee was formed to help give younger African Americans a voice in the civil rights movement. A group of young college blacks refused to leave a Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, NC because nobody would serve them. This impacted many other sit-ins so that integration would suddenly occur.
  • Charlayne Hunter and Hamiltion Holmes attend University of Georgia

    Charlayne Hunter and Hamiltion Holmes attend University of Georgia
    The first African Americans to be admitted into UGA. Although at first their entries were denied but Hunter and Holmes were determined to attend the University of Georgia so they never gave up. This was a very big deal because schools were still segregated in those times and after they applied over and over again, this was another plus for desegregating schools. Charlayne Hunter is now a journalist while Holmes has passed away in 1995.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    The Freedom Riders were a group of black and white civil rights activists who wanted to challenge segregated bus stations, restaraunts,etc. They traveled through Alabama and Mississippi and often faced violent approaches from the majority community. Sit-ins were also some actions the Freedom Riders portrayed. Although the whites threw condiments at them, poured beverages on their bodies,and dragged them off of chairs, these activists were determined but of course it led them to being arrested.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    The Albany Movement was created to reach their main goal, which was to desegregate the whole community from public transportation stations to lunch counters. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was apart of this movement, but he believed it wasn't successful. Other blacks involved in this movement believed that they've reached their goal because after it ended, blacks were able to vote more and segregation was slowly fading away.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    A march that was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington,DC. This march was created to help blacks get jobs, freedom, and economic equality. With over 200,000 white and black Americans involved, the March on Washington was a remarkable success.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act was a law that President Kennedy developed, but after he died President Johnson signed it into law. President Kennedy saw a lot of discrimination against race, sex, religion, etc. and he decided to act on it. When the bill was passed Americans were no longer discriminated against or denied service because of their skin color, reliigion, etc. all thanks to President Kennedy.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act was a bill signed into law by President Johnson giving voting rights to African Americans. Even though it was still being ignored in the South and other places where the black population was high, the Voting Rights Act gave legal voting rights to African Americans.