Brown v. Board of Education
Supreme Court outlaws school segregation in Brown V. Board of Education -
Brown v. Boards of Education
-The court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities was Plessy v. ferguson.
- The event that started this even was in Topeka Kansas when parents were bad that the board of education wouldn't let in their African American kids. They when to court and the suit had the school districts reverse its policy of racial segregation.
- The results of this was public schools for black and white students to be unconditional. -
The REV. GEORGE LEE was killed for leading voter-registration frive in Belzoni Mississppi. -
Lamar, Smith
Lamar, Smith is murdered for organinzing black voters in Brookhaven, Mississippi. -
Emmet Louis Till
Emmet Louis Till is murdered for speaking to a white woman in Money, Mississippi. -
John Earl Reese
John Earl Reese Slain by nightriders opposed to school improvements in Mayflower, Texas -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to gie up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. -
Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up her bus seat
Rosa Parks boarded the Montgomery city bus to go home and sat in the middle of the bus, behind about 10 seats reserved for whites. Soon the bus had filled up and a white man entered the bus. The driver insisted that the four blacks sitting behind the white section get her seat. She was arrested and convicted of violating the laws of segregation. -
Boycott Begins
Montgomery bus boycott begins. -
Segragated Seating Banned
Supreme court bans segregated seating on Montgomery buses. -
Willie Edward JR.
Willie Edward JR. is killed by Klansmen in Montgomery, Alabama. -
1st Civil Rigths Act
Congress passes the first civil rights act since reconstruction -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
President Eisenhower signs the law and congress passed it. This law empowered federal prosecutors to obtain court injuctions against anything standing in the way with the right to vote -
Little Rock, Arkansas
President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforece school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas -
Little Rock, Arkansas
Three years after the Brown. v. Board of Education 9 African American students were recruited by the President of the NAACP. They attempted to integregrate central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. The national guard came to prevent the black students from entering. A team of NAACP lawyers won a federal district court which allowed the students to enter the school. Eisenhower then ordered troops to protect the students who were shielded by federal troops and the national guard. -
Mack Charles Parker
Mack Charles Parker is taken from jail and lynched in Poplarville, Mississippi. -
Greensboro, North Carolina
Black students stage a sit-in at a "whites only" lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina -
Bus Terminals
Supreme Court outlaws segregation in bus terminals. -
Freedom riders in Alabama
Freedom Riders attacked in Alabama while testing compliance with bus desegregation laws -
Attack of the Freedom Riders
Freedom riders held political protests against segregation by blacks and whites who would ride the bus together. The freedom riders were recruited by the congress of Racial Equality. They took a series of bus trips through the South. Along the way they recieved a lot of violence from white protestors but some drew attension to there cause -
Herbert Lee
Herbert Lee who is a voter registration worker is killed by a white legislator in Liberty, Mississippi. -
Voter Registration Drive
Civil rights groups join forces to launch a voter registration drive -
Roman Ducksworth JR.
C.P.L Roman Ducksworth JR. is taken from a bus and is killed by police in Taylorsville Mississippi -
James Meredith
Riots erupt when James Meredith, a black students enrolls at Ole Miss. -
Paul Guihard
Paul Guihard who is a French reporter is killed during the Ole Miss riot in Oxford, Mississippi. -
James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
The campus broke out in chaos. Riots started but ended with 2 dead. Many were wounded and some arrested. Soon after Kennedy's administration called out federal forces and the national guard came to enfore order -
William Lewis Moore
William Lewis Moore is slain during one-man march against segregation in Attalla Alabama. -
Marching Children
Birmingham police attack marching children with dogs and fire hoses -
George Wallace
Alabama governor George Wallace stands in a schoolhouse door to stop university integration -
Medgar Evers
Medgar Evers was a civil rights leader who was assasinated in Jackson, Mississippi. -
Medgar Evers Assasinated
Medgar was a civil rights activist and also a field secretary for the NAACP in Mississippi. He was shot while walking up to his house. The suspect was arrested but released. Over the years there was still suspion that the suspect was guilty but then 4 years later the case was reopened. The suspect was then found guilty. -
250,000 Americans marched on Washington for civil rights -
The March On Washington
The purpose of the march was for jobs and freedom in the nations capital. The famous speech that was delivered was Martin Luther King's "I have a dream." -
Church bombing
Addie Mae Collins , Denise Mcnair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley were school girls who were killed in a bombing of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. -
Virgil Lamar Ware
Virgil Lamar Ware was a youth who was killed during a wave of racist violence in Birmingham, Alabama -
Poll Tax
Poll tax outlawed in federal elections -
Louis Allen
Louis Allen is a witness to murder of a civil rights worker assasinated in Liberty, Mississippi -
Bruce KLunder
The REV. Bruce Klunder is killed protesting construction of segregated schools in Cleveland, Ohio -
Henry Hezekiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore
Henry Hezekiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore are killed by Klansmen in Meadville, Mississippi -
Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer brings 1,000 young civil rights volunteers to Mississippi. -
Men abducted by the KKK
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Scherner were all civil rights workers who were abducted and slain by Klansmen in Philadelphia, Mississippi -
Civil Rights Act of 1964 signed
President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act of 1964 -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This act ended segregation in public places and banned emploment discrimination on race, religion. color or national orgin. This was signed into law by Vise. Pres, Lyndon B. Johnson -
LT. Col Lemuel Penn
LT. Col Lemuel Penn is killed by Klansmen while driving north in Corbert Georgia -
Jimmie Lee Jackson
Jimmie Lee Jackson who was a civil rights marcher is killed by state trooper in Marion, Alabama. -
Edmund Pettus Bridge i
State troops beat black marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. -
March To Selma
The march was organized because local African Americans were campaining for voting rights. The marchers were met with violent resistance by local and state authorities.Yet, the protestors reached there goal by walking around the clock for 3 days to reach Montgomery. -
REV. James Reeb
The REV. James Reeb who was a march volunteer is beaten to death in Selam Alabama. -
March to Selma
Thousands complete the Selma to Montgomery Voting Right March. -
Viola Gregg Liuzzon
Viola Gregg Liuzzon is killed by Klansmen while transporting marchers on the Selma highway in Alabama -
Oneal Moore
Oneal Moore who was a black deputy is killed by nightriders in Varnado, Louisiana -
Voting Rights Atc of 1965
Congress passes Voting Rights Atc of 1965 -
Willie Brewster
Willie Brewster was killed by nightriders in Anniston, Alabama -
Jonathan Daniels
Jonathan Daniels was a seminary student killed by deputy in Hayneville, Alabama -
Samuel Young Jr.
Samuel Young Jr. was a student civil rights activist who was killed in dispute in Tuskege, Alabama -
Vernon Dahmer
Vernon Dahmer was a black community leader who was killed in a Klan bombing in Hattiesburg, Mississippi -
Vernon Dahmer
Vernon Dahmer was killed by Klansmen in Natchez, Mississippi. -
Clarence Triggs
Clarence Triggs was slain by nightriders in Bogalusa, Louisiana -
Wharlest Jackson
Wharlest Jackson was a civil rights leader who was killed after promotion to a "white" jobin Natchez, Mississippi -
Benjamin Brown
Benjamin Brown was a civil rights worker who was killed when polce fired on protestors in Jackson, Mississippi -
Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall sworn in as the 1st black Supreme Court justice -
Thurgood Marshall 1st black Supreme Court
Before becoming a supreme court justice Marshal worked to try and end racial discrimination. He was on the staff of the NAACp for many years. Marshall came by the court and agrued that segregatiting school children based on the race was against our constitution, and the Supreme Court, aggred. I think this was monumental because no matter what he fought to make sure all people were treated fairly. -
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Samuel Hammond JR, Deland Middleton, Henry Smith, were students who were killed when highway patrolmen fired on protesters in Orangeburg, South Carolina -
Martin Luther King JR. assassinated
The REV. DR. Martin Luther King JR. is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee -
The Assasination Of Dr. Martin Luther King
When Martin Luther KIng was assasinated. Riots sparked out in more than 100 cities. The whole nation mourned the death which helped speed up an equal housing bill. KIngs death had such a big impact because he was supporting something great. He wanted all people to feel equal and then he gets killed at such a young age. No one deserves that fate.