Civil Rights

  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    Mays was the most popular president of Morehouse College in the 1940s. Mays was also known because he was a very well educated civil rights activist, minister, scholar, educator and mentor to Martin Luther King jr. He was also a leader of the NAACP, YMCA, United Negro College Fund, World Council of Churches and many other groups.
  • 1946 Governor's Race/ End of White Supremacy

    1946 Governor's Race/ End of White Supremacy
    In 1946, African Americans were allowed to vote for governor in Georgia. The governor's race began when Eugene Talmadge died. Talmadge supporters had a plan to have Herman Talmadge become the governor after his father died by having him get the second most numbe of votes. However the new state constitution would make Melvin Thomson,the lieutenant governor. Herman Talmadge- 3 Governor's Controversy
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman Talmadge first became governor of Georia in 1947. He served again from 1948- 1554. He also served in the U.S. Senate from 1956- 1980. Talmadge is a democrat that heavilty opposed the civil rights movement. However, he supported black voters while he was in the US Senate (in the 1970s.)
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education VideoThe Plessy v. Ferguson ruled "sperate but equal" 60 years before, but that ruling ended in the Brown v. Board of Education. Oliver Brown sued the Topeka, Kansas board of eduaction because they denied his daughter the right to a white school which violated the Constitution. The case was taken to supreme court ans seperate but equal was ruled unequal.
  • 1956 State Flag

    1956 State Flag
    Some Georgians wanted a new flag after Brown v. Board of Education ruled that seperate is not equal because they did not like that African Americans were gaing rights. On the new flag, the confederate battle flag was added to intimidate African Americans.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    The Sibley Commission was created when Ernest Vandiver was forced to chose between desegregating public schools and closing them. The Sibley Commission was committee that would ask state residents their views on desegregating schools. It helped desegregate many schools in Geordia.
  • SNCC

    SNCC Video The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was an important organization in the Civil Rights Movement. They were very different from other groups because they used different nonviolent methods, such as student-led-sit-ins.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young is a well known activist, diplomat and businessman. He is also the first African American to be in the US Congress from Georgia since the reconstruction. Andrew Young is responsible for maing Atlanta an international city.
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were the two first African Americans to go to University of Georgia. Holmes was also the first African American to got to Emory. Hunter is known for her work in print and on television.
  • Martin Luther King and Albany Movement

    Martin Luther King Jr was one of te most important civil rights activists. He had taken part in the Albany Movement. The Albany Movement's goal tried to desegregate a community. Many people including King were arrested during this movement. Even though King failed to accomplidh the movement's goal, he was an important part of it.
  • March on Washington

    I Have a Dream Speech The March on Washingtion was oragnized my civil rights activits in 1963. 2500 people attended this event demanding more civil and economic rights for African Americans. The famous "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr. was given during this march.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act Video Things such as racial descrimination in public places and unequal job opportunities are prohibitated in the Civil Rights Act. It also said that it could cut off federal funds to projects if there was any descrimination. Even with these strict laws, descrimination did not end.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
    Lester Maddox was the 75th governor of Georgia. He was liked my many whites because he didn't like the idea of desegregation. Maddox is well-known for closing his Cafeteria instead of serving African Americans.
  • Maynard Jackson

    Maynard Jackson
    Maynard Jackson became the first African American mayor of Atlanta in 1973. Jackson served as mayor for 8 years and another term in 2900. He is known for helping African Americans finiacially.