civil rights

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Period: to

    Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Governor's Race

    Governor's Race
  • Brown vs. Board of education

    Brown vs. Board of education
    Brown vs. Board of Education The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • 1956 Georgia State Flag

    1956 Georgia State Flag
    Democratic leader John Sammons Bell with state senators Jefferson Lee Davis and Willis Harden began campaining to put the Conferderate flag in the Georgia State flag. That year the legislative session focused there attention on Governor Marvin Griffin's platform of massive resistance to not allow the segragation of public shools so the bill went right through legislation.
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Talmadge served as governor during political contriversy and then served as a US Senator. Talmadge was a strong opponent against the civil rights movement but began to reach out to black voters in the 1970s.
  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    (1894-1984)Benjamiin Mays was a well known minister, educator, scholar, and social activist. He was also the president of Moehouse College in Atlanta Georgia. He was one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s most significant mentors. Mays had many leadership roles in many different organizationa such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the International Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the World Council of Churches, and the United Negro College Fund.
  • Sibley Commission

    Sibley Commission
    Governor Ernest Vandiver Jr. was forced to decide to close public schools in Georgia or agree with the federal government to desegrigate schools in Georgia. State Representative George Busbee was assigned to introduce a legislative committee on schools later known as the sibley commisiion. They were to go around to local residents and report information about desegragation. The reporting of desegragation started the end of segragating schools in Georgia.
  • SNCC (student nonviolent co0rdinating committee)

    SNCC (student nonviolent co0rdinating committee)
  • Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA

    Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to UGA
    Hailton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter were the first two african amerians to be accepted into the University of Georgia (UGA).They both attended Henry Mcneil Turner Hih School, Atlanta's most prestigious black, public school.They applied once to UGA but were denied but the second time they applied they were exepted and became the first african americans to be accepted into UGA.
  • Andrew Young

    Andrew Young
    Letser Young quit being a pastor and joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), This organization was founded and led by Martin Luther King. Young taught the uneducated locals nonviolent protest and taught them not to fight back against the whites. He taught many of them how to read and write because for a black man to vote they would have to take a literacy test. Young became a trusted ally of martin luther king and led campaigns in Albany; Birmingham and Selma,Alabama
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    It was the first major movement in the modern civil rights time period. It was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and its main goal was to desegragate the areawith nonviolent protest. It resulted in over 1,000 african americans jailed and Martin Luther King Jr. admitted it was a failure.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Lyndon B. Johnson sighnrd this act and it created Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to all people no matter what race. Let the desegregation of schools, parks, swimming pools, and other public facilities; and restricted the use of literacy tests as a requirement for voter registration.
  • Lester Maddox

    Lester Maddox
  • Maynard Jackson as Governor of Atlanta

    Maynard Jackson as Governor of Atlanta
    Jackson was the first african american governor of Georgiaand served 3 terms. In his first two terms, the portion of city business going to minority firms rose dramatically. He also helped bring the olympics to Atlanta.