Brown vs. USA
Segregation in school is unconstitutional -
Rosa Parks
Refuses to give up her seat, sparking protests like bus protests -
Crisis in Little Rock
School became desegregated, and African Americans needed military escort to enter the school -
Four black college students in Greensboro, North Carolina sat down at the whites-only lunch table -
Filling the Jails in Birmingham
The city of Birmingham, Alabama defied the new desegregation laws -
Marches on Washington
250,000 people marched on Washington for racial equality -
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing
Four African-American girls were killed in the bombing of the desegregated Sixteenth Street Baptist Church by pro segregation white people. -
Civil rights act of 1964
Segregation deemed illegal along with discrimination -
Voting Rights Act
African-Americans given right to vote -
Dr. King's Assassination
On April 4th, 1968 Dr. King was shot to death