Civil Rights

  • Brown V. Board of Edu.

    Brown V. Board of Edu.
    The Plessy vs. Ferguson denied relief under a seperate but equal doctrine. A bunch of students were not aloud in a public school. The court ruled that a quality education was needed for all children and school segregation was banned.
  • Rev. George Lee Murdered

    Rev. George Lee was murdered for leading voter-registration drive in Belzoni, Mississippi
  • Lamar Smith is Murdered

    Lamar Smith is murdered for orginizing black voters in Brookhaven, Mississippi
  • Emmit Louis Till Murdered

    Emmit Louis Till was murdered for speaking to a white woman in Money, Mississippi
  • John Earl Reese was Slain

    John Earl Reese was slain by nightriders opposed to school improvements in Montgomery, Alabama
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks broke the rules by sitting up front in a bus in Montgomery and then refused to give up her seat to a white man. As a result, she was takin away by police and aressted.
  • Bus Boycot

    Montgomery bus boycot begins
  • Segregated Buses are no Longer a Thing

    Supreme court bans segregated seating on Montgomery buses
  • Willie Edwards Jr. murdered

    Willie Edwards Jr. was murdered was killed by Klansman from Montgomery Alabama.
  • First Civil Rights act

    First Civil Rights act
    Dwight D. Eisenhower passes the first Civil Rights Act that states that empowered federal prosecutors to obtain court injuctions against interference with the right to vote.
  • Federal Troops enforce school desegregation

    Federal Troops enforce school desegregation
    In Little Rock Arkansas, 9 students enrolled at a white school and the whites hated them so much that they needed to be escorted by federal troops.
  • Mack Charles Parker Lynched

    Mack Charles Parker was taken from jail and lynched in Mississippi
  • "Whites Only" Lunch countered

    Black students stage sit-in at a "White Only" lunch counter in North Carolina
  • Segregation in Bus Terminals Gone

    Supreme court outlaws segregation in bus terminals
  • Freedom Riders attacked in Alabama

    Freedom Riders attacked in Alabama
    The Freedom Riders were groups of Civil Activists that rode buses into segregated areas to protest. Not all members were black.
  • Voter registration worker murdered

    Herbert Lee, worker at a voter resistration in Mississippi, killed by a white legislator
  • Voter Registration Drive

    Civil Rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive
  • Voter Registration Drive Launched

    Civil rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive
  • Bus Passanger Killed by Police

    Roman Ducksworth Jr. was taken from a bus and killed by a police in Mississippi
  • Black Student Enrolls at Ole Miss

    Black Student Enrolls at Ole Miss
    When black student, James Meriedith, enrolls at Ole Miss, riots break out causing 2 deaths and at least 100 injuries. When James Meriedith succesfuly enrolled at Ole Miss, the gov. gave 24 hour protection to him.
  • French Reporter Killed

    French reporter Paul Guimard was killed during an Ole Miss riot
  • Death at a Segregation March

    William Lewis Moore was slain during a march against segregation in Alabama
  • Birmingham Police Attack

    Birmingham police attack matching children with dogs and fire hoses
  • University Integration Stopped

    Alabama govenor George Wallace stands in schoolhouse door to stop university integration
  • Civil Rights Leader Assasinated

    Civil Rights Leader Assasinated
    Medgar Evers was a Civil Rights Activist, and was murdered while walking up to his house. His 2 children witnessed the murder
  • The March On Washington

    The March On Washington
    250,000 people marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Birmingham Church Attacked

    Addie Mae Collins, Denise Mcnair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, schoolgirls killed in bombing at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church
  • Youth Killed During Racial Violence

    Virgil Lamar Ware, Youth killed during wave of racial violence in Alabama
  • Poll Tax Outlawed

    Poll Tax outlawed in federal election
  • Civil Rights Worker Assassinated

    Louis Allen witnessed the murder of Civil Rights worker
  • Rev. Bruce Klunder killed

    Bruce Klunder was killed protesting the construction of segregated schools
  • Klansman Killing

    Henrey Hezekeah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore killed by Klansman
  • Civil Rights volunteeres brought to Mississippi

  • Civil Rights Workers Abducted

    James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, civil rights workers, abducted and slain by Klansman
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    In 1964, Congressed passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This Act forbided discrimination on sex as well as race in hiring and firing in jobs.
  • Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn Murdered

    Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn was murdered by Klansman while driving North
  • Civil Rights Marcher Killed

    Civil Rights marcher killed by state trooper
  • State Troopers Beat Back Marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge

  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    The March to Selma was orginized for a voting campaign. At first, not many oppositions were faced, but later, there were. police started breaking them up and a marcher was shot. As a result of the march, President Jhonson signed the Voting Rights Act.
  • Viola Gregg Liuzzo killed by Klansman While Transporting Marchers

  • Selma to Montgomery

    Thousands complete the Selma to Montgomery voting rights march
  • Black Deputy Killed by Nightriders

    Oneal Moore, Black deputy killed by nightriders
  • Congress Passes Voting Rights Act of 1965

  • Willie Brewster killed by nightriders

  • Seminary Student Killed

    Jonathan Daniels killed deputy
  • Civil Rights Activist Killed in Dispute

  • Black Community Leader Killed in Klan Bombing

  • Ben Chester White Killed by Klansmen

  • Clarence Triggs Slain by Nightriders

  • Civil Rights leader Killed After Promotion to White job

  • Civil Rights Killed When Police Open Fire on Protestors

  • Thurgood Marshall sworn in as First Black Member of Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall sworn in as First Black Member of Supreme Court
    Thurgood Marshall was the Chief Counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I think that it was a monumental event because it showed that people were taking steps to give blacks more rights.
  • Students Killed When Highway police Fire on Protestors

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was shot dead while standing on his balcony at a motel in Memphis Tennessee. This might have impacted many Africans to keep fighting to get their freedom. Also, it might have impacted whites to understand that Africans were just normal people and one of them just got murdered.